6309 results found
Health topics
… it on a one-to-one basis. You can also teach your toddler about sharing by using toys as examples . Say things like … chestfeed Encourage your toddler to show emotions and talk about them: "It's OK to cry. Can you tell me what’s making … of emotions, such as jealousy, anger, and affection Talk about how your toddler's behaviour may affect others: "You …
Health topics
… more balanced way. The goal is to change the way you think about pain so that your body and mind respond better when … or "self-talk." Self-talk is what you think and believe about yourself and your experiences. It's like a running … and helpful. Or it may be negative and not helpful. Ask about your thoughts The next step is to ask yourself whether …
Health topics
… lead with the correct leg. Ask for help if you feel unsure about going up and, especially, down stairs. Using a cane If … you have significant pain or weakness, talk to your doctor about trying crutches or a walker. Be sure your cane fits … and safely. To walk using a cane The best way to think about walking with a cane is that you are taking normal …
Health topics
… Repeats five word sentences Talks to himself or herself about recent events and make believe characters Uses social … Continue to take the time to talk to your toddler and ask about the things that interest him or her - this is an …
Health topics
… of things and see how it goes… Share what you've learned about your performance Reinforce positive modelling, not … healthy self-reflection and share with kids what you liked about your own behaviour and what you might improve with … the feared task in their imagination while feeling good about themselves. Example: Child: I'm getting really nervous …
Health topics
… a list of useful organizations. What parents need to know about gender identity Children form their gender identity … a list of useful organizations. What parents need to know about gender identity Children form their gender identity …
Health topics
… a curve in your child's spine. You notice that something about your child's posture looks unusual. Examples are ribs … should be delayed until the child is older. But even after surgery, the rest of the spine will grow normally in … talk about the brace with friends. Listen to your child's concerns. Ask your child how you and their friends can help. …
Health topics
… lead with the correct leg. Ask for help if you feel unsure about going up and, especially, down stairs. Using a walker … lead with the correct leg. Ask for help if you feel unsure about going up and, especially, down stairs. Using a walker …
HealthLinkBC files
… care facility or move to another location. For information about emergency preparedness and planning at the facility … how can you make your home safe and secure Things to think about include: Mobility aids, such as a walker or a … Island Health www.islandhealth.ca/about-us/accountability/emergency-management Northern Health …
HealthLinkBC files
… as long as the total amount (mcg) of vitamin K you eat is about the same each day. If your INR is stable and in safe … products (e.g. plant-based supplements) Tell your doctor about any extracts, powders or pills that you currently … reported. Talk to your doctor if you have any questions about alcohol use before starting or stopping any vitamin or …