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Health topics
… 35 weeks of pregnancy, though it can also develop right after childbirth. What are the symptoms of HELLP syndrome? … any future pregnancies. Make sure that your doctor knows about this part of your health history. You'll need to be … any future pregnancies. Make sure that your doctor knows about this part of your health history. You'll need to be …
Health topics
… Overview Your wound will need care and observation. After the stitches or staples are put in, the area may be … sure to follow those instructions. Check with your doctor about how long you need to keep your wound dry. In some … sure to follow those instructions. Check with your doctor about how long you need to keep your wound dry. In some …
Health topics
… toward the back (posterior). Your doctor will talk with you about which type of surgery might be best for you. How It Is … without dislocating your hip. During the first week or so after surgery, you'll need less and less pain medicine. For … the future, make sure to let all health professionals know about your artificial hip so they will know how to care for …
… is a summary and does NOT have all possible information about this product. This information does not assure that … ask your health care professional for complete information about this product and your specific health needs. Uses … product is for vaginal use only. Wash your hands before and after use. You should not use this medication during your …
Health topics
… employees who have hepatitis A don't wash their hands well after using the toilet and then prepare food. It can also … skin and eyes (jaundice). Vomiting. Symptoms usually last about 3 months. They go away on their own in almost all … How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask questions about your symptoms and where you have eaten or travelled. …
Health topics
… the breastbone). Doctors do most open gallbladder surgeries after trying first to remove the gallbladder with … have conditions that require open gallbladder surgery. After surgery to remove the gallbladder, bile flows from the … activities in 4 to 6 weeks. Open surgery involves more pain afterward and a longer recovery period than laparoscopic …
Health topics
… or while you are getting chemotherapy. Or it may be given after other treatment, such as after surgery for breast cancer. Radiation therapy may be … than the risks. Risks of radiation therapy during and right after treatment include: Fatigue. Nausea with or without …
Health topics
… of Rh-immune globulin are typically given at 28 weeks, after amniocentesis, after any vaginal bleeding, miscarriage or termination, and after the birth.   How is Rh sensitization treated? …
Health topics
… even if it is not broken. When the swelling goes down after a few days, it is easier to tell if your nose is … from the brain into the nose (CSF rhinorrhea) and can occur after a head injury or after surgery on the nose or ears. Infection of the nose, …
Health topics
… doctor to stop your heartbeat while working on your heart. After repairing the valve, the doctor will restart your … fade with time. You may stay in the hospital for a few days after surgery. What To Expect You will feel tired and sore for the first few weeks after surgery. You may have some brief, sharp pains on …