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6309 results found
Health topics
… impaired awareness seizures do not remember having them. After a seizure, the person will be confused or disoriented … last only 5 to 15 seconds. Also, a person is fully alert after an absence seizure and may continue with whatever he … impaired awareness seizures do not remember having them. After a seizure, the person will be confused or disoriented …
Health topics
… reactions. A bee leaves its stinger behind and then dies after stinging. Africanized honeybees, the so-called killer … if you develop one or more of the following conditions after an insect or spider bite or sting: A severe allergic … reactions. A bee leaves its stinger behind and then dies after stinging. Africanized honeybees, the so-called killer …
Medical tests
… or stool within a day. So be sure to flush the toilet right after you use it, and wash your hands well with soap and … This means it isn't a risk for people to be around you after the test. Explore more Kidney Scan Salivary Gland Scan … or stool within a day. So be sure to flush the toilet right after you use it, and wash your hands well with soap and …
Health topics
… flushing with cool water but may continue to be painful after you stop flushing. After flushing your eye, wear dark glasses or cover the eye … flushing with cool water but may continue to be painful after you stop flushing. After flushing your eye, wear dark …
Health topics
… anti-nausea medicines. They usually go away 4 to 6 weeks after treatments are done. Long-term side effects are … to the bones, walking and moving around may be less painful after this treatment. One or more treatments may be needed … anti-nausea medicines. They usually go away 4 to 6 weeks after treatments are done. Long-term side effects are …
… is a summary and does NOT have all possible information about this product. This information does not assure that … ask your health care professional for complete information about this product and your specific health needs. Uses This … 1 drop. Do not rinse the dropper. Replace the dropper cap after each use. If you are using another kind of eye …
HealthLinkBC files
… tiny parasites can get into your bloodstream and multiply after a bite by an infected mosquito. Because the malaria … health care provider or visit a travel health clinic. Ask about the risk of malaria in the area you plan to visit. If … the ingredient DEET or icaridin. For more information about using insect repellants containing DEET, visit …
Medical tests
… checked. The test strip has areas that will change colour after being in contact with urine. This can show if you have … you use a home test kit, make sure that your doctor knows about any abnormal test results. And if your test doesn't … you use a home test kit, make sure that your doctor knows about any abnormal test results. And if your test doesn't …
Health topics
… takes 2 hours or less. You will need general anesthesia. After surgery, bile flows from the liver (where it is made) … who have laparoscopic gallbladder surgery are sore for about a week. But in 2 to 3 weeks they have much less … who have laparoscopic gallbladder surgery are sore for about a week. But in 2 to 3 weeks they have much less …
Health topics
… soon. You are working to get back to your normal life. After a diagnosis of a heart problem or after having a … are problems their doctor or rehab team needs to know about while treating their heart disease. Your emotional … physical health. So your doctor and rehab team need to hear about all of your symptoms. The sooner you and your doctor …