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6305 results found
Health topics
… life. Symptoms of anemia usually begin within a few months after birth. Alpha thalassemia This type occurs when one or … is it diagnosed? Your doctor will do an examination and ask about your health history. Tests you may need include: A … your family members should to talk to their doctors about testing. How is thalassemia treated? Treatment depends …
Health topics
… reaction to the oil. You become allergic through contact. After you've come in contact with these plants, your immune … where the oil touched your skin. The rash usually lasts about 10 days to 3 weeks. But it may last up to 6 weeks in … how long it took the rash to develop. You'll also be asked about your outdoor activities, work, and hobbies and about
Medical tests
… Direct ophthalmoscopy. Your doctor uses a tool that is about the size of a small flashlight. It has many lenses that can magnify up to about 15 times. Indirect ophthalmoscopy. Your doctor uses a … very strong, so you may see spots for a short time after the examination. Some people report seeing light spots …
Medical tests
… urine that is collected: At a random time. This is usually after the first time you urinate in the morning. Over a … test A morning urine sample gives the best information about albumin levels. Wash your hands before you collect the … place the collection container in the stream. Collect about 60 mL (2 fl oz) of this "midstream" urine without …
Health topics
… Age 12 and Older Spinal cord injury and recovery Mobility After a Spinal Cord Injury Spinal Cord Injury: Adapting Your … a Wheelchair Spinal Cord Injury: Talking With Your Partner About Sex Spinal Cord Injury: Your Rehabilitation Team Back …
Health topics
… recommends that toddlers see a dentist six months after the first baby tooth appears and no later than 12 … through the Healthy Kids Program . Teething Teething lasts about two years. Some toddlers have no problem with it while …
Health topics
… lead to a cycle that's tough to break. You might feel bad about your eating choices after you make them, which can lead to more bad choices. Or … lead to a cycle that's tough to break. You might feel bad about your eating choices after you make them, which can …
Health topics
… the body, so getting dressed is often difficult for people after a stroke. Your stroke rehab team can suggest things … undressing. Then slip out your affected arm or leg. Think about whether to avoid clothing that goes over your head. It … undressing. Then slip out your affected arm or leg. Think about whether to avoid clothing that goes over your head. It …
Health topics
… your doctor if you have any problems during intercourse after a hysterectomy. If you have other symptoms of menopause, talk to your doctor about systemic estrogen therapy (ET) and other treatment … you have other symptoms of menopause, talk to your doctor about systemic estrogen therapy (ET) and other treatment …
Health topics
… children A baby's foreskin does not pull back easily for about 6 months. Don't force it. Until you can pull the … it will go. Carefully wash the whole area with warm water. After washing, return the foreskin to its normal position. … children A baby's foreskin does not pull back easily for about 6 months. Don't force it. Until you can pull the …