6307 results found
Health topics
… page: Overview Overview If you care about someone with PTSD, here's what you can do to help. Learn what you can about PTSD. The more you know, the better you can understand … about how you will talk things over and solve the problem. After you come back: Take turns talking about solutions to …
Health topics
… Get Started Managing diabetes is all about setting a healthy routine of medicine, eating, … work shifts, it can seem like there's nothing routine about your life. It's more of a chore to manage diabetes … food restaurants. If you're often too tired to make dinner after work, keep healthy, ready-to-eat snacks on hand. Some …
Health topics
… with a physical examination and by asking questions about your health. In some cases, an X-ray , CT scan , or … with a physical examination and by asking questions about your past health. If you have sudden pain after a facial or jaw injury, your doctor may also order …
Health topics
… can usually diagnose lumbar spinal stenosis by asking about the history of your symptoms, doing a physical … nerve root are sometimes tried. If you still have symptoms after the treatments, surgery may be considered. Health … can usually diagnose lumbar spinal stenosis by: Asking about your history of symptoms. Doing a physical …
Health topics
… BPS can be mild to severe but almost always goes away right after you urinate. Other symptoms of BPS include: Urinating … you use a bladder diary to record how often you urinate and about how much urine is released. How can you care for … pilates. If sitting for a long time causes pain, find out about using a standing desk. Eat foods that are good for …
Health topics
… Robert Keller Dr. Robert Keller What is low back pain all about? Dr. Robert Keller, an orthopedic surgeon, shares his thoughts about the basics. Dr. Keller, many people have low back … usual activities. What happens if you are still in pain after 4 weeks? Dr. Keller: If you are still in severe pain …
Health topics
… or in the foot. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask about your past health and recent activities and examine the area. If your symptoms are severe or get worse even after treatment, you may need other tests. Your doctor may … causing bursitis, talk to your human resources department about other ways of doing your job, equipment changes, or …
Health topics
… page: Overview Overview Exercise is about more than physical health. It may also help with your … you have not exercised in many years, talk to your doctor about: What activities are safe for you. How hard and how … to walk. Walk or jog in place. Take a walk at lunchtime or after dinner. Use the stairs instead of the elevator. Walk …
Health features
… Ebola? Ebola symptoms may appear anywhere from 2 to 21 days after exposure to the virus. Initial symptoms include: Fever … possible. For information on Ebola, including information about current outbreaks, visit the Public Health Agency of … virus are at higher risk of Ebola exposure. For information about what health professionals needs to know about Ebola, …
Health topics
… Meditation can help you relax, because you are not worrying about what happened before or what may occur in the future. … other distractions will all be waiting for your attention after your meditation session. The practice Sit in a … and chest. If your mind wanders, don't worry or feel bad about yourself. Try to notice your thoughts, such as "I …