6307 results found
Health topics
… diagnosed? To diagnose this syndrome, your doctor will ask about health problems that could cause the condition. The doctor will ask about your routine and any recent activities that could have … by themselves when: Fluid buildup decreases, such as after pregnancy. You change or stop the activity that has …
Health topics
… working. Your pain medicine is not working long enough after each dose. You have new symptoms, such as having a … cancer pain and help you feel better. Talk to your doctor about any home treatments you want to try. Things you can … to you better understand your illness, talk more openly about your feelings, or decide what treatment you want or …
Health topics
… under a newborn baby's skin. Some birthmarks show up soon after a baby is born. Most birthmarks are obvious at birth. … under a newborn baby's skin. Some birthmarks show up soon after a baby is born. Most birthmarks are obvious at birth. …
Health topics
… at home. What causes it? Croup usually occurs a few days after the start of a cold and is usually caused by the same … at home. What causes it? Croup usually occurs a few days after the start of a cold and is usually caused by the same …
Health topics
… Small children sometimes drool before cold sores appear. After the blisters appear, the cold sores usually break … Small children sometimes drool before cold sores appear. After the blisters appear, the cold sores usually break …
Medical tests
… the amount of cortisol released by the adrenal glands. After a dose of dexamethasone, cortisol levels often stay … the amount of cortisol released by the adrenal glands. After a dose of dexamethasone, cortisol levels often stay …
Healthy eating
… cause ulcers or make symptoms worse. If you have symptoms after drinking coffee or beverages with caffeine, limit your … consume alcohol, do so in moderation. If you have questions about alcohol use, talk with your health care provider. If … effects of antibiotics. Speak to your health care provider about recommendations for probiotics. Additional resources …
HealthLinkBC files
… or Cryptococcus gattii (C. gattii) . This document is about the disease caused by C. gattii . Cryptococcus lives … ill. In people who become ill, symptoms appear months after exposure and can last for several months. Symptoms of … in B.C., 10 to 25 people become sick from C. gattii , and about 16 per cent die. Some people are at a slightly higher …
Health topics
… them. If you have symptoms longer than 2 to 3 hours after removing and cleaning your contacts, call your eye … them. If you have symptoms longer than 2 to 3 hours after removing and cleaning your contacts, call your eye …
Health topics
… you can try to get warm by making skin-to-skin contact. After removing wet clothes, wrap a blanket or sleeping bag … you can try to get warm by making skin-to-skin contact. After removing wet clothes, wrap a blanket or sleeping bag …