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6307 results found
Health topics
… and a mild soap or a cleanser that doesn't contain soap. Afterwards, gently pat your skin dry with a soft towel. … If you still have problems with itch and rash even after you have been using moisturizers, talk to your doctor. … and a mild soap or a cleanser that doesn't contain soap. Afterwards, gently pat your skin dry with a soft towel. …
Health topics
… coffee, juices, and soda pop) for 15 minutes before and after use. If you don't, your body may not absorb the … coffee, juices, and soda pop) for 15 minutes before and after use. If you don't, your body may not absorb the …
Health topics
… volume in 1 second, or FEV1. How much air you can push out after you take a deep breath, with no time limit. This is … volume in 1 second, or FEV1. How much air you can push out after you take a deep breath, with no time limit. This is …
Health topics
… fumes out of your home. Paint can release gases for months after you apply it. Try to use paint without volatile … fumes out of your home. Paint can release gases for months after you apply it. Try to use paint without volatile …
Health topics
… and heart disease. If you smoke, ask your doctor or midwife about ways to quit. If you quit smoking before you become … try to cut down as much as you can. Talk to your doctor about a program to help you quit. Ask your doctor about … cope with withdrawal from smoking. For example, take a walk after dinner instead of having a cigarette. Think of ways to …
Health topics
… the permanent teeth begin to emerge, usually starting at about age 6. Your child probably had his or her first trip … Your child can learn how to brush his or her own teeth at about 3 years of age and should be brushing his or her own … or her about the dangers of smoking and second-hand smoke. After your child's permanent teeth begin to appear, usually …
Health topics
… when your baby is due, your doctor or midwife may: Ask you about the first day of your last period. Measure the size of … your due date is by the size of your uterus. When you are about 12 weeks pregnant, your doctor or midwife can feel the top of the uterus (fundus) above your pelvis. After about 18 weeks, the distance between the pubic bone …
Health topics
… you need help. Teach your friends, family, and co-workers about low blood sugar. Be sure they know the symptoms of low … use the "rule of 15." If your blood sugar is low: Eat about 15 grams of carbohydrate from quick-sugar food, like … the right amount for your child. Wait about 15 minutes after eating quick-sugar food. Check your blood sugar again. …
Health topics
… you need help. Teach your friends, family, and co-workers about low blood sugar. Be sure they know the symptoms of low … use the "rule of 15." If your blood sugar is low: Eat about 15 grams of carbohydrate from quick-sugar food, like … the right amount for your child. Wait about 15 minutes after eating quick-sugar food. Check your blood sugar again. …
Health topics
… positively. But it has extra benefits you might not know about—optimism helps keep up your physical health too. … as you go forward. For example, let's say you are about to have a knee surgery. You can choose to be … take hold. Imagine how you want to feel 6 or 12 months after surgery—strong and active. Picture what you want to be …