6309 results found
Health topics
… Your child may cry out for your comfort or go to your room after a nightmare. The child usually can be reassured and … child that the nightmare isn't real. Ask your child to talk about anything they are worried about. Your child may remember the nightmare and want to …
Medical tests
… over your lower pelvic area to protect it from the X-ray. After the X-ray machine is positioned over your belly, you … your head. How long the test takes An abdominal X-ray takes about 5 to 10 minutes. You will be asked to wait about 5 minutes while the X-rays are developed, in case more …
Medical tests
… children, or young adults. Check changes in the spine after spinal surgery. How To Prepare In general, there's … How long the test takes A spinal X-ray usually takes about 15 minutes. You will wait about 5 minutes until the X-rays are processed in case more …
Health topics
… sound hard? It doesn't have to be, but you do have to think about it. You need to do more than just not use the salt shaker. After all, almost all foods contain sodium naturally or as … of sodium you eat? Getting started Talk with your doctor about sodium. You'll learn how eating too much sodium may …
Health topics
… history and a physical examination and ask you questions about your symptoms and any fish you have recently eaten. … in spoiled or toxic seafood. Check with health officials about local advisories on algae blooms, dinoflagellate … may be needed if symptoms are severe. Some symptoms improve after 12 hours and can be over in a few days. Neurotoxic …
Health topics
… bottle. Insulin stored at room temperature will last for about a month. Read and follow all instructions on the … from the company that makes the pens. Clean up and storage After giving your shot: Store your insulin properly so that … your local trash disposal agency, pharmacy, or your doctor about how to get rid of the container. Other suggestions for …
Health topics
… such as tendinopathy or a tear, most doctors ask questions about your past health and do a physical examination. The … to 10 minutes of walking or biking. Cool down and stretch. After intense activity, gradually cool down with about 5 minutes of easy jogging, walking, or biking. Then do …
Health topics
… worse. Preventing a toe joint problem from returning after corrective surgery. Before shopping for shoes for your … a high risk of falling, ask your doctor what else to think about when you choose a shoe. When shopping for the right … toe box (the area that surrounds the toes). There should be about 1.3 cm (0.5 in.) of space between your longest toe and …
Health topics
… fit it into her schedule. It didn't work. "That lasted about a year and a half," says Kris. "And then I just kept … beginning and feeling like her legs were going to fall off after just a few minutes. "So I would just say, 'All right, … stretch a little bit farther. It makes you feel pretty good about yourself." Making physical activity a routine Kris …
Health topics
… you have a fractured rib. It is important to see a doctor after a rib injury. A blow that is hard enough to fracture a … breath. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask questions about your injury and do a physical examination. The doctor … an X-ray or other imaging test if your doctor isn't sure about your symptoms. But broken ribs don't always show up on …