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6337 results found
Health topics
… and anal areas. The doctor may ask you questions about your symptoms and risk factors. Risk factors are things that … doesn't kill the HPV infection that causes them. Talk to your doctor if you want to treat visible genital warts. The … they go away. If you decide to treat genital warts, talk to your doctor. There are medicines that you or your doctor can …
Health topics
… response that isn't normal. This damages the inside of your small intestine so that it can't do a good job of absorbing nutrients from your food. Celiac disease can lead to anemia or osteoporosis … can slow growth and weaken bones. If it isn't treated, your child can get very sick. What causes it? Doctors think …
Health topics
… sex. If you're pregnant and infected, you can pass it to your baby during delivery. What are the symptoms? Many … pain in the scrotum. Conjunctivitis . How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask you questions about your symptoms and your sexual history. You may also have a …
Health topics
… to person. Having an impaired immune system may increase your chance of getting this rash. What are the symptoms? … pink, red, tan, brown, purple, or grey-black, depending on your skin colour. The patches often have fine scales and may itch. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor often can tell if you have tinea versicolor by …
Health topics
… active and spread to others from time to time throughout your life. What are the symptoms? The most common symptoms … weak. Mono can also cause pain in the upper left part of your belly, which may mean that the spleen is enlarged. … after you're exposed to the virus. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask you questions about your symptoms and …
Health topics
… For example, if you change a diaper and don't wash your hands afterward, anything or anyone you touch could get infected. You could even get the illness yourself if you touch your mouth or eat food that you've touched. Children in …
Medical tests
… (sodium). When a tumour that makes aldosterone is present, your aldosterone level will be high while a renin level will … tests. If you are having follow-up aldosterone blood tests, your doctor may give you the following instructions: Eat … A low-salt diet can also increase aldosterone levels. Tell your doctor if you are on a low-salt food plan. Do not eat …
HealthLinkBC files
… Most of the time asbestos poses very little risk to your health. It is only a risk if you breathe in asbestos … large amounts of asbestos fibres, they can become lodged in your lungs and remain there. This can cause scarring and … to high levels of asbestos in the air can be harmful to your health. It could increase your risk of getting a …
HealthLinkBC files
… Spanish Document Vietnamese Hearing is important for your child’s social and emotional growth. The ability to hear well also supports your child as they learn to talk and eventually to read and write. It is important to have your child’s hearing tested if you ever have concerns that …
Health topics
… footnote 1 Sexual harassment may include: A put-down of your gender. Flirting when you've made clear it's not welcome. Sexual comments or gestures about your body or lifestyle. Pressure for sexual favours. Sexual … places or things that remind you of what happened. Avoid your friends, family, and other people. Have trouble …