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6337 results found
Health topics
… used for treating cancer can be dangerous to the baby. Your doctor may talk to you about the risks and benefits of continuing your pregnancy. When treating cancer during pregnancy, … trimesters. If you have been diagnosed with cancer during your pregnancy, you will be working with a number of health …
Health topics
… Acupressure may help relieve or shorten the duration of your morning sickness symptoms. Acupressure is based on … or reduce nausea. The P6 point is on the inner side of your arm, in line with your middle finger. It is close to your wrist, one-sixth of …
Health topics
… measurements are plotted on growth charts to monitor your baby's growth over time. Most babies: Grow about 7.5 cm … , on top of a baby's skull start to close at 6 months. When your baby is about 6 months old, teething may start. Teeth may not yet break through the gums at this age. But your baby may drool, chew on objects or hands, and act fussy …
Health topics
… hasn't worked before. I need to think this through." Making Your Change Happen : "I'm ready to make a change." Keeping Change Going—Your New Normal : "I'm glad I made the change, but some days … to go back now." Alcohol: Drinking and Your Health Drug Use and Your Health Healthy Eating Quitting …
Health topics
… Personal Decontamination Your skin can be contaminated by contact with dangerous … removing all traces of the harmful substance from your skin can minimize any damage. Watering or burning eyes … items in a plastic bag. If you wear contact lenses, wash your hands with soap and water, and then remove your
Health topics
… feel as though you are spinning. This may cause you to lose your balance and fall. There are things you can do to help keep yourself safe. These include taking precautions like wearing … fit well and keeping walkways clear of clutter. How to keep yourself safe You can reduce your risk of injury when you …
Health topics
… may need medicine to prevent serious illness. Protecting yourself When you're caring for someone with COVID-19, keep … or spreading the infection. Here are some ways to protect yourself and others. Have the person stay in one room. If … These include dishes, cups, towels, and bedding. Wash your hands often and well. Use soap and water, and scrub for …
Health topics
… of the hip (DDH) is not known. But some things can raise your child's chances of having it, including: Having a … Developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) isn't painful, and your baby may not have any obvious signs of a hip defect. … baby's legs and look and listen for signs of a problem. If your baby is older, your doctor may diagnose developmental …
Health topics
… the rubella virus, you are at risk for miscarriage. And your baby (fetus) could become infected too. This can cause … something that has the droplets on it and then touching your eyes, nose, or mouth before washing your hands. If you have rubella, you are most likely to …
Medical tests
… the sound waves as they bounce off the different parts of your heart. These echoes are turned into moving pictures of your heart that can be seen on a video screen. … obtained by moving the transducer to different locations on your chest or abdominal wall. Stress echocardiogram. During …