6337 results found
Health topics
… and a dressing. Dermabrasion is almost always done in your doctor's office or on an outpatient basis. What To … The colour most often fades in 6 to 12 weeks. Until then, your normal skin tones can be matched using makeup. Some … soon after the treatment. Some people need pain relievers. Your doctor will give you instructions on how to care for …
Health topics
… replacement is an IOL. Before having surgery, review with your doctor the pros and cons of each type of replacement lens. A variety of IOL types are available. Your doctor can help you choose the type that may work best … find the age at which children can benefit from an IOL. If your child needs cataract surgery, talk with your eye …
Health features
… the following topics to learn more about asthma: Assessing your asthma knowledge Asthma and vocal cord problems Asthma … children: Knowing how bad an attack is Asthma's impact on your child's life How asthma develops in children Treating … to understand more about childhood asthma. Learning that your child has asthma can leave you with many questions. …
Health topics
… Optimism is a hopeful, positive outlook on the future, yourself, and the world around you. It is a key part of … benefits you might not know about—optimism helps keep up your physical health too. footnote 1 You don't have to be a … a positive viewpoint to make the most of what life brings your way. Can you make optimism work for you? Even if you …
Health topics
… a dome, and it has a firm, flexible rim. It fits inside your vagina and covers the cervix, which is the opening of … sex, apply spermicide to the diaphragm and place it in your vagina. If you have sex more than 1 to 2 hours after placement, apply more spermicide to your vagina. If you have sex more than one time when the …
Health topics
… With planning and thoughtful choices, you can follow your meal plan for diabetes when you eat away from home, … as at a party or restaurant. You can find ways to limit your portions and pick healthy choices from the menu. It's … healthy food choices when you get too hungry. Think about your portions. Ask for a half-size portion of the meal. Or …
Health topics
… If you have MS, and you want to have children, talk with your doctor. Some things to think about and plan for … control until you decide to try to become pregnant. Talk to your doctor about when to stop taking the medicine. In some cases, your doctor may suggest that you wait to start trying to get …
Health topics
… choke on food and everyday objects. You can help prevent your child from choking by offering the right kinds of foods … small children? Preventing choking on food To help prevent your child from choking on food, follow these basic food safety tips. Teach your child to eat only in the kitchen or dining room. Be …
Health topics
… 12 months of life. Between 12 and 24 months of age, expect your child to gain about 1.4 kg (3 lb) to 2.3 kg (5 lb) , … the top of the head.) Are starting to lose the "baby" look. Your child, who is now in fast motion much of the time, gradually adopts a leaner frame. Your child's head is still large in proportion to the rest …
Health topics
… a thin, flexible tube called a catheter into an artery in your upper leg (groin) or wrist. The doctor moves the … is guided into the blood vessels of the heart. First, your doctor inserts the catheter into a blood vessel in the … or wrist. A very thin guide wire is inside the catheter. Your doctor carefully guides the catheter through blood …