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6337 results found
Health topics
… Valley fever is a disease caused by a fungus that gets into your body through your lungs. It can make you feel like you have a cold or … a rash. Most people get better without treatment. But if your body's natural defence system (immune system) is weak, …
Health topics
… for around 6 months or more. How are they diagnosed? Your doctor will ask questions about your symptoms, including how long you've had them. They will also ask questions about your medical history and any medicines you're taking. Your
Health topics
… signs of this disorder you have, the more severe it may be. Your risk for opioid use disorder is higher if you have a … For these reasons, it is important to take them exactly as your doctor prescribes. Your body gets used to opioids, which may lead to tolerance …
Health topics
… Chemical exposure Take care during pregnancy to protect your developing baby (fetus) from harmful chemicals. Avoid … gloves, ventilate the area, and avoid inhaling fumes. Limit your lead exposure. Lead may be present in old paint, metal … her baby. If you have concerns about lead exposure, talk to your doctor. A simple blood test can find out the amount of …
Health topics
… include intense abdominal cramps and watery diarrhea. Your symptoms usually appear 6 to 24 hours after eating … usually is over within 24 to 48 hours. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will do a medical history and physical examination and ask you questions about your symptoms, foods you have recently eaten, and your work …
Health topics
… you make wise health decisions or take action to improve your health. Actionsets are designed to help people take an … sounds, then: Stand or kneel behind the person and wrap your arms around their waist. If the person is standing, place one of your legs between their legs so you can support the person …
Medical tests
… drawing blood will: Wrap an elastic band around your upper arm to stop the flow of blood. This makes the … to the needle to fill it with blood. Remove the band from your arm when enough blood is collected. Put a gauze pad or … How It Feels The blood sample is taken from a vein in your arm. An elastic band is wrapped around your upper arm. …
Medical tests
… See how far cancer has spread in a breast. Check your breasts if you have silicone breast implants or dense … there's nothing you have to do before this test, unless your doctor tells you to. Wear something that makes it easy … above the waist. You will be given a gown to drape around your shoulders. Remove all jewellery from around your neck. …
Health topics
… (easily spread) infection that causes a rash all over your body. It is also called rubeola. The measles vaccine … sneezing, a sore throat, and a cough. The lymph nodes in your neck may swell. You also may feel very tired and have … start to go away, you will get tiny white spots inside your mouth, followed by a rash all over your body. When …
Medical tests
… pH , the amount of potassium you eat, the hormone levels in your body, severe vomiting, and taking certain medicines, … diet has enough potassium for the body's needs. But if your potassium levels get low, it can take some time for your body to start holding on to potassium. In the meantime, …