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4755 results found
Health topics
… Until a cleft palate is treated with surgery, it can cause problems with feeding, speech, and hearing. What causes it? … it looks. A small cleft in the soft palate may cause more problems—because of its effect on speech—than a large cleft … easy to see. A baby with a cleft palate often has feeding problems, because he or she isn't able to suck and swallow …
Health topics
… up in the blood and lead to intellectual disability and problems with the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord). Early treatment can help prevent most problems. Babies born with PKU need to start treatment soon … include: A musty odour to the skin, hair, and urine. Skin problems. Being sensitive to light. Without early treatment, …
Health topics
… in male babies. And it can be linked to other medical problems that your doctor may want to check for. In rare … to run in families. It may also be linked to other medical problems, such as Down syndrome and congenital heart … pass stool within the first one or two days of their life. Problems passing stool can be a symptom of Hirschsprung …
Health topics
… and death in young people. It also causes social and health problems. footnote 1 Even casual use of certain drugs can cause severe health problems, such as an overdose or brain damage. Many illegal … off. Or he or she may be more sensitive to pain, have sleep problems, lose interest in everyday activities, or withdraw …
Health topics
… may squeeze or partly block the urethra. This often causes problems with urinating. BPH occurs in almost all men as … than others. What are the symptoms? BPH causes urinary problems such as trouble starting and stopping the flow of … ability to father children. It does not cause erection problems. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor can diagnose BPH …
Health topics
… child's doctor. If your child is having low blood sugar problems, his or her medicine for diabetes may need to be … child's doctor. If your child is having high blood sugar problems, his or her medicine for diabetes may need to be … child's doctor. If your child is having low blood sugar problems, his or her medicine for diabetes may need to be …
Health topics
… that these feelings are common for people who have heart problems. You might struggle with the idea of having a heart problem or how to prevent future problems. Your rehab team can offer support and education to … wonder if their symptoms of anxiety or depression are problems their doctor or rehab team needs to know about …
Health topics
… in the newborn's lungs is causing breathing and health problems. The lungs trap air or collapse, fill with fluid, … In time, many children outgrow most of their lung problems. Chronic lung disease is also known as … or BPD. What causes it? Chronic lung disease is caused by problems in a baby's lungs. It is most common in premature …
Health topics
… a hormone imbalance that can affect ovulation. It can cause problems with your periods and make it hard to get pregnant. … it isn't treated, over time it can lead to serious health problems, such as diabetes and heart disease. Most of those … and body, thinning hair on the scalp, irregular periods, problems getting pregnant, and depression. PCOS may be more …
Health topics
… Have you had surgery in the past 2 weeks? Surgery can cause problems that make you cough. Yes Recent surgery No Recent … be more of a concern if you normally do not have breathing problems. Yes Has chronic breathing problems No Has chronic breathing problems Are the breathing …