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4755 results found
Medical tests
… of the breast. It does not use X-rays. MRI may show problems in the breast that can't be seen on a mammogram , … tissue. The contrast material makes it easier to find problems with increased or abnormal blood flow, such as with … is done because the tests can detect different kinds of problems. How To Prepare In general, there's nothing you …
Health topics
… people who are obese or overweight and have other health problems, such as high blood pressure or diabetes. These … can be a problem or can be serious. If you're having problems with side effects, talk to your doctor. Your doctor … blood pressure, a faster heart rate, headaches, sleep problems, and unpleasant changes in bowel habits. It is …
Health topics
… is a strong urge to gamble, even though it causes serious problems. You may feel that you can't control your gambling … because of gambling. Need help from others to handle money problems caused by gambling. The symptoms are similar to … is a strong urge to gamble, even though it causes serious problems. You may feel that you can't control your gambling …
Medical tests
… the skull have grown together. The test looks for possible problems of premature birth, such as periventricular … in the brain (intraventricular hemorrhage, or IVH). These problems can increase a baby's risk of having disabilities. … encephalitis or meningitis ). Or it may check for brain problems that are present from birth (such as congenital …
Health topics
… for fluid in the lungs. A chest CT scan, which can show problems with the lungs, such as pneumonia or a lung tumour. … can take a few years to do so. Others have long-term health problems, such as: Breathing problems, like shortness of breath. For some people, this …
Health topics
… prostate gland . As the prostate gets bigger, it may cause problems when you urinate. Your score on this tool may help … time. People differ in how bothered they are by urination problems. Despite your score, you may not be troubled by … prostate gland . As the prostate gets bigger, it may cause problems when you urinate. Your score on this tool may help …
Health topics
… the stool is soft and the child doesn't seem to have other problems, this isn't a concern. Most children will be … The problem usually doesn't last long or cause long-term problems. Home treatment is usually all that's needed to … activity. This can upset normal bowel habits. Emotional problems or toilet training problems. They can lead to …
Health topics
… help you and your doctor narrow down the list of possible problems. Light-headedness is a feeling that you are about … that detect motion and changes in position. Injury to or problems of the inner ear can send false signals to the … has travelled from another part of the body (metastatic). Problems in the brain, such as a stroke or a transient …
Health topics
… is a viral infection, usually a cold. Allergies or other problems also can block the nasal passages and lead to … polyps. Traditional surgery may be done for certain serious problems—such as pus in a sinus, infection of the facial … sinus surgery? Sinus surgery can lead to minor or serious problems. A small number of people have minor problems, such …
Health topics
… heart disease, high blood pressure, or gallstones. Sleeping problems your child may have, such as sleep apnea. Past … will check your child's health and look for early signs of problems, including: High blood pressure. High cholesterol. … levels. Your child also may have blood tests to look at problems with the adrenal glands and the thyroid. These …