4755 results found
Health topics
… This disease causes very thick mucus in the lungs and problems with digesting food. Familial dysautonomia. People … with this problem do not have enough blood cells and have problems with the heart, kidneys, arms, or legs. They also … medical care decisions that are important to many health problems. Pregnancy: Should I Have Amniocentesis? Pregnancy: …
Health topics
… symptom. Pain in the jaw, especially when you chew. Vision problems such as double vision or brief loss of vision. … inflammation. GCA is dangerous because it can cause serious problems, such as blindness. So your doctor may start you on … treatment with steroid medicine will put you at risk for problems such as bone thinning ( osteoporosis ). Your doctor …
Medical tests
… The test is used to help find diseases and other problems that affect the large intestine. The colon is … used to keep track of the progress of these diseases. Find problems with the structure of the large intestine. Problems may include narrowed areas (strictures) or pockets …
Medical tests
… blood vessels carrying blood to the lungs, to look for lung problems, or to find other causes of blockage or narrowing … any major problem from an angiogram is very small, but some problems can occur. In most cases the problems occur within 2 hours after the test when you are in …
Health topics
… disease. If you don't treat Lyme disease, it can lead to problems with your skin, joints, heart, and nervous system. … you can develop swelling and pain in your joints, plus problems with your heart and nervous system. How is it … antibiotics. If Lyme disease goes untreated, it can lead to problems with your skin, joints, nervous system, and heart. …
Medical tests
… legs. Chest (thorax). A CT scan of the chest can look for problems with the lungs, the heart, the esophagus , or the … the tissues in the centre of the chest. Some common chest problems a CT scan may find include infection, lung cancer , … other tests, such as ultrasound , usually are used to find problems with the gallbladder and bile ducts. Adrenal …
Health topics
… overweight makes you more likely to have serious health problems, such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes. … medicines may include headaches, nausea, and bowel problems. Weight-loss medicines can be expensive. They may … is at least 30. Your BMI is at least 27 and you have other problems related to your weight, such as: High blood …
Health topics
… keep working right up to your due date if there are no problems with your pregnancy. Women who have uncomplicated … keep working right up to your due date if there are no problems with your pregnancy. Women who have uncomplicated …
Health topics
… catheter inserted, making bladder infections more likely. Problems with the bladder dropping down out of its normal … such as diabetes, lack of activity, poor hygiene, or problems releasing urine. Use of medicines that can cause … If you think your medicine may be causing urination problems, talk to your doctor. Older adults also are more …
Health topics
… of nosebleed are: Blowing or picking the nose. Structural problems in the nose, either present from birth (congenital) … or caused by an injury. Low humidity. Minor health problems, such as colds or allergies. Minor injuries to the … of nosebleed are: Blowing or picking the nose. Structural problems in the nose, either present from birth (congenital) …