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Health topics
… it has started. The goal of treatment is to prevent an infection and the loss of too much blood. These problems are most likely to occur when the uterus does not … medical advice and care can lower your chance of any problems from the miscarriage. Your doctor or midwife will …
Health topics
… the required steps. It increases your chance for a serious infection of the lining of the belly (peritoneum). What To … abdominal wall ( peritonitis ). Less often, there may be problems related to the catheter. But most complications can … abdominal wall ( peritonitis ). Less often, there may be problems related to the catheter. But most complications can …
Health topics
… enough oxygen, and you feel tired and weak. Having other infections that can happen with HIV. These are called … or have low hormone levels, your doctor can treat those problems. Exercise may boost your strength and give you more … or have low hormone levels, your doctor can treat those problems. Exercise may boost your strength and give you more …
Health topics
… tree. Some people have allergic reactions after repeated contact with latex, especially latex gloves. Allergy to … serious one. Symptoms may include: Skin reactions such as contact dermatitis , hives , or widespread itching. … tree. Some people have allergic reactions after repeated contact with latex, especially latex gloves. Allergy to …
Medical tests
… of the urinary tract, such as kidney stones , tumours, or infection. It is also used to look for problems with the structure of the urinary tract that were … such as kidney stones, tumours, or infection. Look for problems with the structure of the urinary tract. Find the …
Health topics
… your stomach or cannot keep fluids down. You have signs of infection, such as: Increased pain, swelling, warmth, or … some rest and following those instructions will help problems after surgery diminish over time. Why It Is Done … surgical site (hematoma). You may develop other physical problems after a hysterectomy. In some women, the pelvic …
Health topics
… symptoms of acute bronchitis if you have no other health problems. Most cases of acute bronchitis go away in 2 to 3 … from acute bronchitis in people who have other problems, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease … months and often develops after an upper respiratory tract infection such as the flu or a cold. Respiratory syncytial …
Medical tests
… breast examinations are also used to check for other breast problems. A clinical breast examination may be part of your … is present, such as breast cancer. Check other breast problems that may need more treatment, such as mastitis or a … changes in breast size, skin changes, or signs of injury or infection, such as bruising or redness. You may be asked to …
… for 3 or more days difficulty urinating signs of kidney infection (such as burning/painful/frequent urination, … side effects. If you notice other effects not listed above, contact your doctor or pharmacist. In the US - Call your … ingredients, which can cause allergic reactions or other problems. Talk to your pharmacist for more details. Before …
… aggression, agitation, anger, anxiety) signs of infection (such as sore throat that doesn't go away, fever, … suicidal thoughts/attempts, or other mental/mood problems. Tell your doctor right away if you or your … side effects. If you notice other effects not listed above, contact your doctor or pharmacist. In the US - Call your …