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Health topics
… page: What are ganglions? Ganglions are small sacs ( cysts ) … can get a ganglion, but children don't usually have them. What causes them? Experts don't know the exact cause of … hands. It usually affects the joint nearest the fingernail. What are the symptoms? Ganglions are usually painless bumps …
Health topics
… page: What is tongue-tie? Tongue-tie (ankyloglossia) is a problem … too short. Tongue-tie can limit the movement of the tongue. What causes it? The cause of tongue-tie isn't always known. … that affect the mouth or face, such as cleft palate. What are the symptoms? Many babies with tongue-tie don't …
Health topics
… up and walking around to taking that overdue holiday. Find what restores you, and take the time to do that. Here are … your day. Take deep breaths. You can try it now. Stop what you're doing, and focus on your breath moving in and … can be in a faraway place or right in your home. Focus on what restores you. Maybe it's something physically active …
Health topics
… page: What is healthcare-associated pneumonia? … . So this kind of pneumonia may be harder to treat. What puts you at risk? You can get hospital-acquired … a long time. Are taking many antibiotics. Are 55 or older. What are the symptoms? Symptoms include a cough that may …
Health topics
… page: What is tonsillitis? Tonsillitis is an infection or … Tonsillitis often goes away on its own after 4 to 10 days. What causes it? Tonsillitis is usually caused by a virus. It … rare cases, a fungus or a parasite can cause tonsillitis. What are the symptoms? The main symptoms of tonsillitis are …
Health topics
… page: What is venous insufficiency? Venous insufficiency is a … This may result in tissue breakdown and venous skin ulcers. What causes it? Venous insufficiency is sometimes caused by … So are people who smoke or stand for long periods of time. What are the symptoms? Symptoms of venous insufficiency …
Health topics
… Conditions Basics Conditions Basics What is a lipoma? A lipoma is a growth of fat cells in a … and women. Multiple lipomas occur more frequently in men. What causes it? The cause of lipomas is not completely … the growth. Being overweight does not cause lipomas. What are the symptoms? Lipomas usually: Are small [1 cm to 3 …
Health topics
… page: What is a hydrocele? A hydrocele is a painless buildup of … in newborns, they can also occur at any age in later life. What causes it? The cause of most hydroceles is unknown. … occur at any age but is most common in men older than 40. What are the symptoms? Often a hydrocele does not cause …
Health topics
… page: What is golfer's elbow? Golfer's elbow is pain or soreness … moves, it affects the tendons that attach to the elbow. What causes it? Golfer's elbow is an overuse injury. These … in people who garden, bowl, play golf, or play baseball. What are the symptoms? Golfer's elbow causes pain on the …
Health topics
… page: What is renal artery stenosis? Renal artery stenosis is the … kidneys. They also help the body control blood pressure. What causes it? The most common cause of renal artery … right way. This growth can cause the arteries to narrow. What are the symptoms? Renal artery stenosis itself doesn't …