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5204 results found
… problems urinating, trouble sleeping, or confusion. During pregnancy, this medication should be used only if clearly … your heart rate or blood pressure. Tell your pharmacist what products you are using, and ask how to use them safely …
… problems urinating, trouble sleeping, or confusion. During pregnancy, this medication should be used only if clearly … your heart rate or blood pressure. Tell your pharmacist what products you are using, and ask how to use them safely …
Health topics
… symptoms of your headaches may help your doctor find out what type of headache you have. This can help your doctor … activity like walking May include an aura shortly before or during the headache May last for hours to several days … activity like walking May include an aura shortly before or during the headache May last for hours to several days …
Health topics
… sometimes easily confused. They may forget where they are, what day it is, and other common facts. Sundowning is a term … the person less restless. Keep the person awake and active during the day. Discourage napping unless doing so causes … the person less restless. Keep the person awake and active during the day. Discourage napping unless doing so causes …
Health topics
… can bear. The key to pain control is telling your doctor what your pain feels like and what relieves it for you. How … unusual rash. You have bowel or bladder changes. You have unexpected or poorly controlled side effects, such as nausea … Talk to your doctor before you try either heat or cold during chemotherapy or radiation treatments. Be careful when …
Health topics
… your routine. Set some goals. Take the time to think about what's getting in the way of your success and what you can do to get around those barriers. Take a walk during your breaks at work. If you work at a desk, do … what you can do to get around those barriers. Take a walk during your breaks at work. If you work at a desk, do …
… regularly so your child's height and growth can be checked. During pregnancy, this medication should be used only when clearly … born to mothers who use this medication for a long time during pregnancy may have hormone problems. Tell your doctor …
… barrier method (latex or polyurethane condoms/dental dams) during sexual activity as directed by your doctor. Do not … (such as sore throat that doesn't go away, fever). During pregnancy, this medication should be used only when …
… barrier method (latex or polyurethane condoms/dental dams) during sexual activity as directed by your doctor. Do not … products). This medication is not recommended for use during pregnancy. It may not work well in a pregnant woman. If you …
… certain natural substance (histamine) that your body makes during an allergic reaction. Its other effects (such as … may be taken once daily at bedtime to avoid being drowsy during the day. When used before surgery, promethazine may … and confusion can increase the risk of falling. During pregnancy, this medication should be used only when clearly …