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… medical advice and does not substitute for the advice of your health care professional. Always ask your health care … of a certain fatty substance in your kidneys, heart, and other organs. Migalastat works by helping … stomach as directed by your doctor, usually once every other day. Do not take this medication 2 days in a row. Do …
… medical advice and does not substitute for the advice of your health care professional. Always ask your health care … to control high blood sugar in people with diabetes. Controlling high blood sugar helps prevent kidney damage, … Avoid exposing the pump or its tubing to direct sunlight or other heat sources. Do not dilute insulin if you are using …
… medical advice and does not substitute for the advice of your health care professional. Always ask your health care … to control high blood sugar in people with diabetes. Controlling high blood sugar helps prevent kidney damage, … Avoid exposing the pump or its tubing to direct sunlight or other heat sources. Do not dilute insulin if you are using …
HealthLinkBC files
… contact. Head lice cannot jump or fly from one person to another. They are most commonly spread through head-to-head … to share hats, combs, hair accessories or hairbrushes. If your child has long hair, tie it up or put it in a braid. … not go away without treatment. Children should not be sent home or kept home from school or daycare because of head …
… medical advice and does not substitute for the advice of your health care professional. Always ask your health care … as sneezing, stuffy/runny/itchy nose). Since there are other allergy medications that may be safer (see also … should be used for this condition only when you cannot take other allergy medications or they do not work well. This …
Health topics
… You also will follow instructions on how to clean out your colon. This will help your doctor to be able to see … when you make your appointment. If you take aspirin or some other blood thinner, your doctor will tell you if and when … your blood sugar before and after the test. Arrange to stay home on the day of the test. When you clean out your colon …
Health topics
… relieves pain by interrupting how pain signals are sent to your brain. It is done by injecting a substance, such as … For short-term pain relief after some surgeries and other procedures. For anesthesia during some smaller … Nerve blocks are used to treat chronic pain when drugs or other treatments do not control pain or cause bad side …
Health topics
… increase during pregnancy. It can make the skin very itchy. Home treatment and medicine can relieve symptoms. What are … on the body. But it most often happens on the palms of your hands or on the soles of your feet. The itching may be … you about your medical history. You may have blood tests or other tests. How is cholestasis of pregnancy treated? Your
Health topics
… easier in the moment. But you regret it later. Think of your thoughtful no as an act of kindness for your future … say, "Thank you for the invite, but I prefer to stay home tonight." Get the details before saying yes or no. … Be clear with your no. If you mean, "I'd rather do it another time," then say that. Or if you mean, "I prefer not to …
Health topics
… Information Overview A birth plan lets you write down your vision of an ideal birth and share it with your support … baby. It could be a hospital, a birthing centre, or your home. The setting may depend on your level of risk for … and friends in the room, or maybe you only want the baby's other parent or a support person like a doula. As you think …