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6353 results found
Health topics
… - is important for babies' healthy development. You can put your baby on the floor, on a safe firm surface, on your lap or on your chest - whatever works best for you. Your baby requires …
Health topics
… Screening for heart attack and stroke risk is a way for your doctor to check your chance of having a problem called atherosclerosis. This … attack, stroke, and peripheral arterial disease. You and your doctor can use your risk score to decide if you want to …
Health topics
… is surgery to take out one, both, or part of your ovaries. Your ovaries store and release eggs, which can develop into … when you decide Sometimes there is a health reason to have your ovaries removed. Maybe you have a tumour on an ovary. …
Health topics
… to change a habit—whether it's quitting smoking, lowering your blood pressure, becoming more active, or doing … allowing you to eat foods that you enjoy. A trainer or physiotherapist can help design an exercise program that is fun … allowing you to eat foods that you enjoy. A trainer or physiotherapist can help design an exercise program that is fun …
Health topics
… are some things to think about. Employer support. Before your child is born, talk to your employer about your breastfeeding plans. Work out the details of where you …
Health topics
… But these problems are very rare in babies. Until your doctor can evaluate your baby, it is usually not advisable to stop breastfeeding … the nipple has holes that are too big. If you bottle-feed your baby, use nipples with holes large enough to drip cold …
Health topics
… when and where you should seek care. They may refer you to your family doctor or nurse practitioner, a health provider in your community or or HealthLink BC physician services. 8-1-1 … it may come from an area code such as 646 or 212, or another North American city, like New York. Our doctors live …
Health topics
… there's a range of weight gain that's good for you and your baby. Ask your doctor or midwife what your range is for healthy weight gain. It's based on your
Health topics
… is AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). But if your child has HIV, it doesn't mean that he or she has AIDS. … as possible. These children include: Newborn babies of mothers who had untreated HIV during pregnancy. Children of mothers with HIV. Children who are exposed to HIV after …
Health topics
… more often, which will help you stay with it. For example, your large goal may be to lose 10 kilograms (20 pounds). Your small goal could be to lose 2.5 kg (5 lbs). Write down your goals. This will help you remember, and you'll have a …