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Health topics
… page: Overview Overview By week 20, you've probably felt your baby move. It may not feel like an obvious kick—yet! Instead, your baby's first movements might feel like "butterflies" or gas bubbles. Inside the uterus, your baby is enjoying some regular activities: thumb-sucking …
Health topics
… intensive care unit (NICU) staff are vital not only to your infant's health but also to your understanding of your … you as well as function as a mediator between you and another person. Hospital Patient Advocates … you as well as function as a mediator between you and another person. Hospital Patient Advocates …
Health topics
… a duck? Or would you take it personally and feel bad about yourself, or even get angry about it? If you turn small things into big things that bother you for days, weeks, or even longer, you're having … about it? If you turn small things into big things that bother you for days, weeks, or even longer, you're having …
Health topics
… After delivery, you will have a bloody discharge from your vagina. This will turn pink within a week and then … you stop bleeding. Using pads makes it easier to monitor your bleeding. Do not use tampons until your doctor says it's okay. If you have a tear or stitches …
Health topics
… puberty starts varies widely among individuals. Helping your child or teen handle puberty issues Having an … changes during puberty. Here are some ways you can help your child. Talk to your child before physical changes start to happen. Instead …
Health topics
… Healthy thinking can teach you to know what thoughts of yours—both helpful and not helpful—affect problems or … stop negative thoughts, you may be more able to care for yourself and handle life's challenges. You will feel better. … gain, or depression. Healthy thinking also involves calming your mind and body. You can use one or more techniques. …
Health topics
… On Inside On this page: Overview Overview At this time, your baby may be spending a lot of time upside down. This "head-down" position can be more comfortable for your baby because of the pear shape of your uterus. It's also easier to give birth if your baby's …
Health topics
… week 24, you may have noticed some jerking movements inside your belly—or even seen them on the outside! Repetitive, jerky movements usually mean your baby has the hiccups. Hiccups are perfectly normal and … last anywhere from a minute to an hour. Inside the uterus, your baby is enjoying some regular activities: thumb-sucking …
Health topics
… You may have felt ready for baby to come for a while, but your baby may still be perfectly happy inside. It can be very hard to wait to meet your baby! Wondering what your baby looks like at 40 weeks? Your baby is now about the …
Health topics
… rule, don't take anything unless you know it's safe for your baby. Some medications - including common pain … or even death. If you need pain medication, discuss with your healthcare provider about taking something that doesn’t … about medication safety during breastfeeding, discuss with your pharmacist or doctor. Herbal products Talk to your