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6353 results found
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview Some other conditions can cause symptoms that look like depression. Before your child or teen can be diagnosed with depression, a doctor may need to rule out these other conditions. They include: Bipolar disorder . This …
Health topics
… be advanced in one area, such as language, but behind in another, such as sensory and motor development. Milestones … 12 months of life. Between 12 and 24 months of age, expect your child to gain about 1.5 kg (3 lb) to 2.5 kg (5 lb) , … realization that they are individuals and are separate from other people. Children are excited by their developing …
Health topics
… with their own desires and needs and can be insensitive to others. Because they are so self-centred, they seem to believe other people are watching them. As a result, some teens may … Growth and Development, Ages 11 to 14 Years Helping Your Child Build Inner Strength Current as of: March …
HealthLinkBC files
… a low mood or stomach pain. They may pass the virus on to other people. Without treatment, some people with chronic … after being cured. If you have chronic HCV, you should see your health care provider regularly. During these visits, you may have physical exams and other tests to see how healthy your liver is. You may also …
Health topics
… leg straight at the knee, and both feet flat on the floor. Your feet should point directly at the wall or slightly in toward the centre of your body. Bend your other (front) leg at the knee, and press the wall with both … toes of one foot (keep your heel on the floor and use your other foot to anchor the towel). Curl your toes to pull the …
Medical tests
… Overview A chest X-ray is a picture of the chest that shows your heart, lungs, airway, blood vessels, and lymph nodes . … pictures are taken, one from the back of the chest and another from the side. In an emergency when only one X-ray … about the chest problem, more specific X-rays or other tests may be done, such as a computed tomography (CT) …
Health topics
… save lives. They are the best way to help protect you or your child from getting certain diseases that can be spread to other people (infectious diseases). And there are often no … diseases. They also help reduce the spread of disease to others to prevent sudden outbreaks of the disease, called …
HealthLinkBC files
… Document Punjabi Document Spanish Document Vietnamese Wash your hands often to keep yourself and others healthy. Hand washing is the most important thing you … people or things around us. Raw foods, pets and many other objects in our daily lives carry germs. Wiping your
Health topics
… Physiotherapy for Spinal Stenosis On this page: Treatment … Treatment Overview The purpose of physiotherapy is to decrease your pain and help you slowly return to your normal …
Health topics
… It's okay to be more healthy in some wellness areas than others. They interact with each other. So if you're struggling in one area, the others can support your overall well-being. These dimensions, or pillars, of …