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6353 results found
Health topics
… , attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) , and other developmental disabilities often have sensory … disorder. But this disorder can also be associated with other conditions. These may include premature birth, brain … process sensory stimulation from the outside world. Your child may: Either be in constant motion or fatigue …
Health topics
… keep in mind that you are the most important person in your own recovery. You need to have a major say in the … and you may sometimes feel like sitting back and letting others take charge. Make sure others understand that you want to be involved in the …
Health topics
… may be used for paint, paint thinner, grease, oil, fuel, or other liquid solvents. Most high-pressure injection injuries … injected create more pressure on the blood vessels and other tissues. The speed and pressure settings of the … often for tasks like writing or brushing teeth is called your dominant hand. Your other hand is called your
Health topics
… proof from science that taking SAM-e helps with these or other health problems. Risks Not all natural health products … about the safety of a natural health product, talk to your doctor, pharmacist, or dietitian. Always tell your … with prescription and non-prescription medicines or other natural health products you might be taking. A side …
Health topics
… in one area, such as language. But they may be behind in another area, such as sensory and motor development. … web page "Is My Child Growing Well?" at… to … by their friends, though they may sometimes be mean to others. Agree to rules most of the time. Show independence. …
Health topics
… in one area, such as language. But they may be behind in another area, such as sensory and motor development. … activities, such as a science experiment with colour. Others like to work quietly on their own, such as practicing … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information …
Health topics
… first step. Here are some common barriers and ideas for other ways that you might think about them. Maybe you'll see yourself in one of these. Reasons people might not get help … better. It takes strength and courage to seek help from others. Mental health problems are real and can harm your
Health topics
… of the pericardium, which is the sac that surrounds your heart. Pericarditis usually doesn't cause serious … The pain usually gets better if you lean forward or sit up. Other symptoms may include a mild fever, weakness, and … treated early can help keep pericarditis from leading to other problems. That's why you should call 9-1-1 or other
Health topics
… Anal cancer is not common and is often curable. But like other cancers, it can spread (metastasize) to other parts of the body. What causes it? Some problems can … based on the stage of the cancer and other things, such as your overall health. Treatment options may include: …
Medical tests
… (PSA) test is done to: Screen for prostate cancer. If your PSA level is higher than expected, your doctor may suggest other tests, including a prostate biopsy. This is because other common medical conditions, such as an enlarged …