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6353 results found
Health topics
… breath. The flow of saliva almost stops during sleep. Many other things can cause bad breath, such as missing meals, … or eating foods with a strong odour, such as garlic. Other causes include throat or mouth infections (such as … such as an infection or cancer. How can you care for yourself? Mouth care Gargle with water. Floss your teeth …
Health topics
… the primary stage and can easily pass the infection to others. A chancre often appears in the genital area. But … still has syphilis. They can still pass the infection to others. Secondary stage During secondary syphilis, a person … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information …
HealthLinkBC files
… saved more lives in Canada in the last 50 years than any other health measure. What is the hepatitis A vaccine? The … smoking, or injecting equipment Are males who have sex with other males Have HIV, hepatitis B or hepatitis C infection, … of the throat, tongue or lips. If this reaction occurs, your health care provider can treat it. Emergency treatment …
Health topics
… thing to consider when you breastfeed is comfort - yours and the baby's. Trying different positions, and … the base of your baby's head, neck and shoulders. Use the other hand to support your breast with the fingers … his body with your arm. Your breast is supported with your other hand. This position may be helpful if you had a …
Health topics
… to need treatment. A curve in the spine may get worse as your child grows, so it is important to find any problem … even. If the doctor finds that one side is higher than the other, your child may need an X-ray so the spinal curve can … Mild cases of scoliosis usually don't need treatment. Physiotherapy may be an option. If the curve gets worse, your
HealthLinkBC files
… on sulphur dioxide in B.C. communities with large, industrial sources. What is sulphur dioxide (SO2)? Sulphur … released into outdoor air, sulphur dioxide can react with other pollutants in the air to form fine particulate matter. … reacts with other compounds in the air can also affect your health. These particles penetrate deeply into the …
Medical tests
… to monitor a person before and during treatment. Along with other tests, this test may be used to see how well a … is working. And in some cases, it may be used with other tests to see if the cancer has grown or come back. How … there's nothing you have to do before this test, unless your doctor tells you to. How It Is Done A health …
Health topics
… is a procedure used to remove varicose veins. Your doctor will make several tiny cuts (incisions) in the … medicine to numb the area. It might be done along with another treatment for varicose veins. Other treatments include ligation and stripping, laser …
Health topics
… to maintain an adequate and continuous supply of oxygen and other nutrients to the brain and other vital organs. Cardiac output is the term that describes the amount of blood your heart pumps each minute. Doctors think about cardiac …
Health topics
… hard to accept. You may wonder why it happened or blame yourself. But a stillbirth can happen even in a pregnancy … or slowed growth and development. A problem with the mother's health, such as diabetes , high blood pressure , or … too soon ( placental abruption ). An infection in the mother or baby. A problem with the umbilical cord , such as …