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6353 results found
Health topics
… in young children by adopting these healthy habits. Teach your child to brush and floss every day. Clean your baby's … Start flossing your child's teeth when the teeth touch each other. Take good care of your own teeth and gums. Saliva … these bacteria to your baby. Avoid sharing spoons and other utensils with your baby. Also, don't "clean" your
Health topics
… certain things may help protect a baby from SIDS and/or other deaths related to sleep: footnote 1 Until your baby's first birthday, put your baby to sleep on their … fitted sheet). Don't use sleep positioners, bumper pads, or other products that attach to crib slats or sides. They …
Health topics
… time, one of the best ways you can help them is by offering your support and showing you care. Here's how. Be present … the offer shows them you care. And when you don't see each other in person, you can still be there for your friend by … or "That's just like what happened to me when [insert other story about yourself here]"? We compare things to our …
Health topics
… severe anemia or kidney failure, which can lead to death. Other strains can cause other infections. What causes it? You get an E. coli … may have a fever or other symptoms. How is it diagnosed? If your doctor thinks you may have an E. coli infection, they …
Health topics
… you're fully vaccinated, the vaccine does help protect others around you. This includes people who are more likely … get the virus, you could spread it to friends, family, and other people in your community who are at high risk. This can happen even if …
Medical tests
… of many ovarian cancer cells. It also can be found in other cancers and in small amounts in normal tissue. A … woman. If a doctor has found a cancer that has spread to another part of the body (metastatic cancer), he or she may do … there's nothing you have to do before this test, unless your doctor tells you to. How It Is Done A health …
Medical tests
… (ANA) test measures the amount and pattern of antibodies in your blood that work against your own body (autoimmune … is used along with your symptoms, physical examination, and other tests to find an autoimmune disease. Why It Is Done An … test is positive. When the test is positive, most labs do other tests right away to look for the cause. These tests …
Health topics
… with concentration and memory can lead to confusion, losing your train of thought, or forgetting or mixing up words or … things down while you're thinking of them. Get treated. Other symptoms that commonly go along with … to concentrate and remember. Medical treatment for these other problems may also help your memory. Stay active—mind …
Health topics
… easily. Rinse often. This can prevent the soap from drying your skin and making the rash worse. Use creek or stream … a dog that has urushiol oil on its fur. Clean clothing and other items. Wash all clothing, shoes, and other items that had contact with the plant or with a person …
HealthLinkBC files
… in the bowel of up to 7% of people without causing illness. Your intestines also normally contain many good bacteria … who are taking antibiotics People undergoing cancer chemotherapy People who have other illnesses The elderly What are the symptoms? In some …