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Health topics
… The problems you have after a stroke depend on what part of your brain was affected and how much damage the stroke … You may have trouble walking, grasping objects, or doing other tasks. Other symptoms may include joint pain or muscle stiffness or …
HealthLinkBC files
… includes information about how to prevent passing HIV to other people. A person with HIV can pass the virus to their … breast/chest feeding. Because of the risk of passing HIV to your baby, it is very important for you to get tested for … HIV testing or ways to reduce your risk of getting HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs), speak to your
HealthLinkBC files
… as a nasal spray. The vaccine does not protect against other viruses that cause colds or gastroenteritis (vomiting … vaccines are usually available beginning in October. For your best protection, get immunized as soon as possible. You … influenza vaccine given by injection. LAIV, or another influenza vaccine, is especially recommended for those …
Health topics
… chronic kidney disease means that kidney disease has caused your anemia. Your doctor will have ruled out other causes of anemia. Anemia means that you do not have … have both anemia and chronic kidney disease and there is no other reason for anemia. Your doctor will do blood tests, …
Medical tests
… the blood (such as electrolytes ). A chemistry screen tells your doctor about your general health, helps look for … chemistry screens look at more substances in the blood than others do. The most complete form of a chemistry screen … or SMAC-20) looks at 20 different things in the blood. Other types of chemistry screens (such as an SMA-6, SMA-7, …
Health topics
… chills, cool clammy skin, skin rashes, and shaking. Other symptoms may include a fever or low body temperature, … go to the hospital immediately. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask you about your symptoms and do tests, … pneumococcal vaccine (to prevent pneumonia, meningitis, and other infections). If you have had one before, ask your
Health topics
… fibrillation. It uses a brief electric shock to reset your heart's rhythm. Before the treatment, you will get … the procedure. This medicine lowers your risk of a stroke. Other medicines to help prevent the return of heart rhythm … atrial fibrillation, what is causing it, and if you have another heart problem. If you take antiarrhythmic medicines …
Medical tests
… most often caused by kidney damage from diabetes . But many other conditions can lead to kidney damage. These include … is done to check for albumin in the urine. It helps tell your doctor how well your kidneys are working. This test is … most often to check the kidneys in people with diabetes. Other conditions also cause albuminuria. These conditions …
Medical tests
… eye , which is called the fundus. The doctor can also see other structures in the eye. The doctor uses a magnifying … are two types of ophthalmoscopy. Direct ophthalmoscopy. Your doctor uses a tool that is about the size of a small … or diseases of the eye, such as retina problems. Help find other conditions or diseases that damage the eye. Look for …
Health topics
… A stem cell transplant can use stem cells that come from your own blood or bone marrow. Or the stem cells can come from another person. When they come from you, it's called an … are stored until you need them for transplant. Having chemotherapy (sometimes along with radiation). This destroys …