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6340 results found
Health topics
… Being irritable and crying for no reason you can see. Avoiding friends and social events. Having depression makes … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information … Being irritable and crying for no reason you can see. Avoiding friends and social events. Having depression makes …
Health topics
… Basics What is motion sickness? If you've ever been sick to your stomach on a rocking boat or a bumpy airplane ride, you … It doesn't cause long-term problems, but it can make your life miserable, especially if you travel a lot. … What causes it? You get motion sickness when one part of your balance-sensing system (your inner ear, eyes, and …
Health topics
… worse. Add a handful of oatmeal (ground to a powder) to your bath. Or you can try an oatmeal bath product, such as … clothing. Don't wear wool and synthetic fabrics next to your skin. Use gentle soaps on your skin. Examples are Basis, Cetaphil, Dove, and Oil of …
Health topics
… With Jet Lag Actionset Overview You can't wait to go to your sister's wedding and see family and friends. But you're … you have trouble sleeping, even though you're tired. And your stomach is giving you problems. You have jet lag. Jet … the day. It also can make you feel weak, or you may lose your appetite. You may not be able to have a bowel movement …
Medical tests
… 2 to 5 days before this test. This helps to make sure that your sperm count will be at its highest. It also makes the … alcohol for a few days before the test. Be sure to tell your doctor about any medicines or natural health products … You can do this in a private room or in a washroom at your doctor's office or clinic. If you live close to your
… medical advice and does not substitute for the advice of your health care professional. Always ask your health care professional for complete information about this product and your specific health needs. Warning Liposomal doxorubicin …
Health topics
… Follow these steps to stop a nosebleed. Gently blow your nose to clear any clots. Sit up straight and tip your head slightly forward. Do not tilt your head back. This may cause blood to run down the back of …
Health topics
… of the esophagus. This is the tube that carries food from your throat to your stomach. In eosinophilic (say … known to cause eosinophilic esophagitis. That would mean avoiding milk, eggs, wheat, and legumes, such as soy. … known to cause eosinophilic esophagitis. That would mean avoiding milk, eggs, wheat, and legumes, such as soy. …
Health topics
… cancer The urethra—the tube that carries urine from your bladder and through your penis—passes through the middle of the prostate gland . … the prostate grow larger. If you have urinary symptoms, see your doctor to find out the cause. It may be cancer, or it …
Health topics
… Through Diet Actionset Overview If you have kidney stones, your doctor or dietitian may talk with you about an eating … likely to get them again. But by following the eating plan your doctor or dietitian suggests, you may prevent new … can you prevent kidney stones? The following tips may lower your chance of getting kidney stones: The most important …