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6340 results found
Health topics
… habits, like smoking. Some chronic diseases change your body chemistry. This can help cause depression. … of the two works best. You can try many things to help yourself when you feel depressed. These things may also help … how you feel. Get support from others. Taking good care of yourself is important as you recover from depression. Be …
Medical tests
… colonography . Which screening test you choose depends on your risk, your preference, and your doctor. Talk to your doctor about what puts you at risk …
Health topics
… pus in or around the area. If you have swimmer's ear, your ear aches. If the infection causes pneumonia, you may … some cases, surgery is used to remove infected tissue. If your doctor prescribes antibiotics, be sure to take all the … medicine, you may not kill all the bacteria. No matter what your treatment, it's important to call your doctor if your
Health topics
… don't have enough support. This can happen when you wear your shoes too long and they wear out. Run or walk on a … you first notice the pain, it may just be at the start of your workout and feel like a dull ache or soreness. If left … severe cases, the pain can continue even after you finish your workout. How are they diagnosed? Your doctor will be …
Health topics
… You can get swimmer's ear when bacteria or fungus grows in your ear canal. This happens when water, sand, or other … ear, and a yellowish or brownish discharge from the ear. Your ear canal may be swollen. In severe cases, the outer … usually tell whether you have swimmer's ear by looking into your ear and asking questions about your symptoms. How is …
Health topics
… syphilis, and gonorrhea. If you have hepatitis C, your baby will need to be tested but not during the … It's safe to breastfeed while you have hepatitis C unless your nipples are cracked or bleeding. How can you care for yourself at home? Go to all your prenatal visits. Your
Health topics
… pregnancy It can be hard to know if a medicine is safe for your baby. Most medicines are not studied in pregnant women. … as Benadryl) Some over-the-counter cold medicines Talk to your doctor or midwife about any medicines you take. This … a health problem, such as high blood pressure or asthma? Your doctor or midwife will look at the risks. A medicine …
Health topics
… on the eye. You will also get instructions on how to manage your pain. Someone must drive you home and then back to the … next day. During this second visit, the surgeon will check your eye and prescribe eyedrops to prevent infection and … next week and then throughout the first year after surgery. Your eye will feel irritated and scratchy on the day of …
HealthLinkBC files
… Because itchiness and skin rashes have many causes, only your health care provider can confirm if you have scabies. … Scabies will not go away without treatment. Speak with your health care provider before you begin treatment. … above the neck, you should not have to apply the cream to your face and scalp. However, your health care provider may …
Health topics
… or as an ingredient. You can start reducing the sodium in your diet by: Reading labels to see how much sodium foods … which typically are high in sodium. Not adding salt to your food during cooking or at the table. Using low-sodium spices and sauces to add flavour to your food. Low-sodium foods can still be tasty! How can you …