6340 results found
Health topics
… If you've had COVID-19 and are having these problems, tell your doctor. Make sure the doctor knows that you had … are long-term effects of COVID-19 diagnosed? To find out if your symptoms are from long-term effects of COVID-19, your doctor will do a physical examination and ask you …
Health topics
… Information Overview You chew nicotine gum as a way to help yourself quit using tobacco. The gum has nicotine and feels … chew the gum, the nicotine begins to slowly release into your mouth. Then you hold the gum in your mouth between your cheek and gums. Here's how you use …
Health topics
… of the pericardium, which is the sac that surrounds your heart. Pericarditis usually doesn't cause serious … main symptom is a sharp pain in the centre or left side of your chest. The pain may spread to the shoulder blade. For … very tired. Pericarditis usually isn't dangerous. But your chest pain could be caused by something more serious, …
Health topics
… help you stay safe until help arrives. How can you care for yourself after a fall? If you think you can get up First lie … still for a few minutes and think about how you feel. If your body feels okay and you think you can get up safely, … or other piece of furniture that is close to you. Roll onto your side and rest. Roll by turning your head in the …
Health topics
… can you teach older children and teens about consent? As your child reaches the teen years, it's important to talk about what consent means in sexual situations. Even if your child isn't dating or having sex, talking about consent … respect other people's boundaries. Here are some tips. Ask your child what consent means to them. This will help you …
Health topics
… It looks like a bandage. You put it on the skin of your belly, rear end (buttocks), upper arm, or upper body … go without a patch for 1 week. During this week, you have your period. Your period may be very light. You also may use the patch …
Health topics
… nicotine. You inhale, and nicotine vapour is absorbed into your mouth and throat area. You don't absorb the nicotine into your lungs like you do with a cigarette or an electronic … that came with the medicine as well as any directions your doctor gave you. Set up the inhaler. A nicotine inhaler …
Health topics
… build up, you could also have trouble breathing through your nose. Many perforations don't need to be closed. Small … a larger perforation. A surgeon may use tissue from inside your nose or from another part of your body (autograft) to stitch into the hole. Other doctors …
Health topics
… lice? Pubic lice are tiny insects that usually live in your pubic area. Sometimes they're also found on facial … They're different than the kind of lice that you can get on your head. Pubic lice are also called "crabs" because they … from the lice can cause small, flat, blue-grey marks on your torso, thighs, or upper arms. These marks can look like …
Health topics
… Overview Digestive conditions are problems that affect how your body digests food. Common examples include diverticular … have a digestive health condition, you may need to change your fibre intake to manage symptoms. Learn about fibre and the types and amounts in different foods: Fibre and your health (HealthLinkBC File #68h) Lower fibre food …