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6340 results found
Health topics
… Information What is a calf muscle injury? Your calf muscle is actually two muscles, the gastrocnemius … often caused during sports where you need to push off with your foot quickly for a sudden burst of speed. Examples … injury is only a strain, you may feel a strong pulling in your lower leg. It may be uncomfortable. You may have a …
Health topics
… for hidradenitis suppurativa depends on how serious it is. Your doctor may discuss options, such as: Medicines. You may … may help. Removing infected tissue. How can you care for yourself? Skin care Wash the area every day with mild soap. Use your hands rather than a face cloth or sponge when you wash …
Health features
… mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine is provided free as part of your child’s routine immunizations. Call your health care provider to make an appointment. If you are … The vaccines that protect against the measles are part of your child's routine immunizations. Learn when your child …
Health topics
… Body composition The amounts of fat, bone and muscle in your body. Cardiorespiratory fitness The ability of the … like walking, swimming, running and biking that use your body's large muscle groups improve cardiorespiratory … endurance, flexibility, body composition, healthy eating, avoiding harmful substances and having regular medical …
Health topics
… need depends on which vaccine you get. It also depends on your age and health. Most people also need "booster" doses … them stay protected. You are considered to be up to date on your COVID-19 vaccines when you've received all the … many cases of COVID-19. But if you do still catch COVID-19, your symptoms will probably be less severe than if you …
Medical tests
… of the way cortisol levels vary throughout a day. If your doctor thinks you might make too much cortisol, the test will probably be done late in the day. If your doctor thinks you may not be making enough, a test is … Normal Each lab has a different range for what's normal. Your lab report should show the range that your lab uses for …
Health topics
… symptoms? Symptoms of sciatica include pain that begins in your back or buttock and moves down your leg and may move … exercises to relieve pain. You can help relieve pain by: Avoiding sitting (unless it is more comfortable than … exercises to relieve pain. You can help relieve pain by: Avoiding sitting (unless it is more comfortable than …
Medical tests
… test. Do not use tobacco for 4 hours before the blood test. Your doctor may ask you to stop certain medicines, such as … Be sure to keep warm, because being cold can also increase your levels. Ask for a blanket if you feel cold. How It Is … Normal Each lab has a different range for what's normal. Your lab report should show the range that your lab uses for …
Medical tests
… there's nothing you have to do before this test, unless your doctor tells you to. How It Is Done You will need to … X-ray pictures are needed for clear pictures of the face. Your head may need to be repositioned for each view. Hold your head completely still while the pictures are being …
Health topics
… you may feel pain and have a sensation of fullness in your lower belly. Or you may feel as if you need to have a … you may feel pain and have a feeling of fullness in your lower belly. Or you may feel as if you need to have a … this time. You may have a small amount of bleeding from your anus about 7 to 10 days after surgery, when your