6344 results found
Health topics
… What is the mind-body connection? Your mind and body are powerful allies. How you think can affect how you feel. And how you feel can affect your thinking. An example of this mind-body connection is how your body responds to stress. Constant worry and stress over …
Health topics
… updated August 9, 2013 Now that you're nearing the end of your pregnancy, you'll be seeing your doctor or midwife more frequently. After about your … found in the vagina and large bowel of 15 to 20 per cent of healthy pregnant women. Around the time of birth, GBS may be …
Health topics
… These may include starting a family. You can have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby if you have … things to know. You will want people to help you during your pregnancy and when you are first taking care of your new baby. It's best to talk with your pregnancy doctor …
Health topics
… and have higher self-esteem. When to call a doctor Call your doctor or nurse advice line now or seek immediate medical care if: Your child has symptoms of a urinary tract infection. These may include: Pain or burning when your child urinates. A frequent need to urinate without …
Health topics
… make one or two cuts (incisions) over the broken bone in your hip. The pieces of bone are moved into the right … You won't feel the area of surgery. The choice depends on your doctor, on your overall health, and, to a degree, what you prefer. How …
Health topics
… Teens: Getting Out of an Unhealthy Friendship On this page: Getting Started Getting … a lot. Or you give up what you want so you can make your friend happy. But then you feel miserable. Or maybe your friend pushes you to do things that feel bad, like …
HealthLinkBC files
… the most common symptom of pubic lice. If pubic lice get on your eyelashes, the edges of your eyelids may be crusted. You may see lice and their eggs … from the lice can cause a rash or small bluish spots on your skin. The spots may last for some time, even after all …
HealthLinkBC files
… sperm count. If you are pregnant and have trichomoniasis, your baby may be born early (premature) and/or with a low … have not had a sexual partner in the last 2 months, then your last sexual partner will need treatment. It takes time … have any oral, vaginal or anal sex for 7 days after you and your partner(s) start the antibiotic treatment. If you or …
HealthLinkBC files
… have any oral, vaginal or anal sex for 7 days after you and your partner(s) start the antibiotic treatment. If you or your partner(s) do not finish the treatment, miss pills or … finished all of the medication, the infection could stay in your body or may be passed back to you or your partner(s). …
Health topics
… sex. A vasectomy is a simple procedure. It can be done at your doctor's office or clinic. It takes about 30 minutes. … off the vas deferens. footnote 2 A vasectomy won't change your sex drive or your ability to have sex. You will still be able to enjoy …