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Health topics
… won't need any other tests unless the area doesn't heal or your doctor thinks there may be another problem. How is it … Try not to sit on hard surfaces for long periods of time. Keeping the area free of hair may also help. Talk with your … Try not to sit on hard surfaces for long periods of time. Keeping the area free of hair may also help. Talk with your
Health topics
… symptoms? If you have a Jones fracture, the outer side of your foot may be painful, swollen, and tender. Your foot may look bruised, and you may have trouble … walking. How is it diagnosed? The doctor will examine your foot and ask about your symptoms and past health. The …
Health topics
… is endurance fitness. This is any activity that uses your body’s large muscle groups and helps you have a … activities. Be sure to choose exercises that are right for your health, medical condition, fitness level, and fitness … to a moderate level of intensity. This means raising your heart rate and causing you to sweat and breathe more …
Health topics
… A basic metabolic panel is a blood test that measures your sugar (glucose) level, electrolyte and fluid balance, and kidney function. Most of the time your doctor will order individual blood tests based on your health. Sometimes a panel (or group of tests) may be …
Health topics
… Candida albicans . This kind of yeast naturally lives on your skin. When too much yeast grows, it is called a yeast … skin infection is treated with an antifungal medicine. Your doctor may give you a prescription for the cream or … miconazole and clotrimazole. If the infection is severe, your doctor may prescribe antifungal pills. A yeast …
Health topics
… affects people over the age of 30. It causes redness on your nose, cheeks, chin, and forehead. Some people get … their faces. Rosacea can also cause burning and soreness in your eyes. Some people say that having rosacea keeps them … from feeling confident at work or in social situations. If your rosacea bothers you or has gotten worse, talk to your
Health topics
… (sometimes called premature ovarian failure) occurs when your ovaries-which store and release eggs-stop working … ovarian insufficiency are similar to those of menopause. Your menstrual periods may become irregular—you have a … (osteoporosis) and heart disease. A balanced and low-fat diet, regular exercise, and not smoking can help protect …
Health topics
… be an ongoing problem. It occurs when the level of sugar in your blood drops too low to give your body energy. What causes hypoglycemia in people who … example, talk to your doctor about whether changes in your diet, medicines, or exercise habits might help. What should …
Medical tests
… (sodium). When a tumour that makes aldosterone is present, your aldosterone level will be high while a renin level will … tests. If you are having follow-up aldosterone blood tests, your doctor may give you the following instructions: Eat … and salty snacks like potato chips or pretzels. A low-salt diet can also increase aldosterone levels. Tell your doctor …
Medical tests
… up after eating, especially after you eat fatty foods. Tell your doctor ALL the medicines and natural health products … you take. Some may increase the risk of problems during your test. Your doctor will tell you if you should stop … such as celiac disease . A lack of nutrients in the diet. An inherited bone disease called hypophosphatasia. …