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Health topics
… may have hypoglycemic unawareness if you: Can't feel when your blood sugar is low. Have had low blood sugar many … Sometimes you can regain some ability to feel that your blood sugar is low. To do this, you need to avoid … MD - Family Medicine Colleen O'Connor PhD, RD - Registered Dietitian Donald Sproule MDCM, CCFP - Family Medicine …
Health topics
… uses medicines that make you unconscious. It affects your whole body. When it's used, you will be unaware. You … and right after the procedure. It also affects many of your body's normal functions, such as those that control breathing. So you will be watched closely. Your body's functions will get support to keep you safe. How …
Health topics
… Worries and anxiety can sometimes seem to take over your life, making you feel like everything is falling apart … do yourself. This may be hard. If worries and concerns are keeping you from taking care of personal needs and other … doctor or a counsellor if your worries and anxieties are keeping you from doing daily activities. Counselling, …
Health topics
… What are the barriers to physical activity? No matter what your child's limitations are, you can find ways to help him … active.) Fear of injury. Think about the barriers that are keeping your child from being more active. Look for … or her improvement by regularly measuring improvement or keeping a progress chart. Praise your child for every small …
Health topics
… safe they are or how well they may work. Be sure to tell your doctor about any complementary treatments you use or … treatments and whether these treatments may interfere with your standard care. For example, some natural health … tai chi, and qi gong, can help reduce stress and relax your mind and muscles. Stress can make pain worse. So …
Health topics
… condition in which muscles are tight or stiff. For example, your hand may stay clenched in a fist or your knee may be hard to bend. At times the muscles may jerk or spasm uncontrollably. It can interfere with your ability to move, speak, or walk. What causes it? …
Health topics
… some ideas that can help you get active. First, check with your doctor. Talk with your doctor about how and when to exercise. You may need to … if you choose something you like and that fits easily into your daily schedule. Any type of physical activity may be …
Health topics
… or dairy foods, may trigger an episode in some children. Your child should not eat any foods that cause abdominal pain. It is important to keep your child doing normal activities as much as possible so … their usual bellyache" when the pain starts. Be sure that your child has regular meal and snack times as well as a …
Health topics
… become too tight if the skin swells. Clean the burn Wash your hands before cleaning a burn. Do not touch the burn with your hands or anything dirty, because open blisters can … help prevent infection, apply a clean bandage whenever your bandage gets wet or soiled. If a bandage is stuck to a …
Health topics
… fed on demand. This means that you breast- or bottle-feed your infant whenever they show signs of hunger, rather than … occurs at about 18 months of age. Many doctors recommend keeping both naps as long as possible for both the child's … occurs at about 18 months of age. Many doctors recommend keeping both naps as long as possible for both the child's …