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Health topics
… get good at removing bilirubin from the blood. If you feed your baby every 2 to 3 hours, mild jaundice will usually go away on its own after a few days. But if your baby has any signs of jaundice, you and your doctor will need to watch him or her closely. If …
Health topics
… may be removed to prevent or correct crowding in the mouth. Your dentist or an oral surgeon, who specializes in … days and can cause severe pain. If you get a dry socket, your dentist can treat it with medicine. You and your dentist may want to discuss options to replace the …
Health topics
… or burn slightly. You may feel a snapping feeling against your skin. When the treatment is done, the area may be … less injury on the surface but affects the deeper layers of your skin. It is used to treat fine lines, deeper wrinkles, … red for several weeks. If you are getting treatment around your mouth, you may get an antiviral drug called acyclovir …
Health topics
… get a prescription renewed. You don't take medicine as your doctor directs, such as not taking enough medicine or … ). Having more headaches and dizziness than usual. Not keeping themselves clean. Having changes in what and how … ). Having more headaches and dizziness than usual. Not keeping themselves clean. Having changes in what and how …
Health topics
… output is the term that describes the amount of blood your heart pumps each minute. Doctors think about cardiac … equation: Cardiac output = stroke volume × heart rate Your stroke volume is the amount of blood your heart pumps each time it beats, and your heart rate is …
Health topics
… or in the hospital. Where you have it depends on how severe your pre-eclampsia is. Expectant management at home If you have signs of pre-eclampsia early in pregnancy, your doctor or midwife may prescribe expectant management at … activity. You may be advised to stop working or to reduce your activity level. Expectant management might limit your
Health topics
… have decided to quit smoking . Support groups can: Increase your chances of success. Keep you motivated. Allow you to express your feelings with others who understand. Give you hope and the confidence to quit. Improve your coping skills. Teach you ways that have helped others …
Health topics
… veins Varicose veins are common during pregnancy. To lower your risk, use measures that are safe during pregnancy. … Prolonged sitting and standing puts added stress on your veins. Lie on your side when you are sleeping or resting. This takes the …
Health topics
… Overview Some over-the-counter (OTC) medicines can raise your blood pressure or keep your blood pressure medicine from working the way it should. … with OTC medicines. That includes natural health products. Your doctor or pharmacist can suggest OTC medicines that are …
Health topics
… Keep and improve muscle strength and endurance. Control your weight and improve your cardiovascular fitness. Improve your balance, coordination, flexibility, and range of …