6344 results found
Health topics
… of different feelings, like anger, sadness, and fear. And your feelings can change from day to day, and even moment to … You may find that you appreciate even more things in your life like family or good friends. Keep looking for … are some examples of things that may help you cope with your emotions. Maybe you'll see one or two ideas you'd like …
Health topics
… hyperthyroidism with radioactive iodine does not increase your chances of getting thyroid cancer. What To Expect Most … few days after treatment, the radioactive iodine will leave your body in your urine and saliva. How long it takes will depend on your …
Health topics
… Overview When you're pregnant, everything you put in your body can affect your baby. If you smoke, your baby is exposed to chemicals such as nicotine and …
Health topics
… sex. If you're pregnant and infected, you can pass it to your baby during delivery. Anyone who has gonorrhea can pass … been treated. How is it diagnosed? To diagnose gonorrhea, your doctor will ask you questions about your past health and your sexual history, such as how many …
Medical tests
… difficile (C. diff) are bacteria that live in your large intestine, or colon, all the time. They usually … difficile (C. diff) toxins. How To Prepare Tell your doctor if you have recently taken antibiotics. How It … samples can be collected at home. Or you may need to go to your doctor's office, a medical clinic, or the hospital. If …
Health topics
… You can benefit from physical activity even if you think of yourself as "elderly" or you already have conditions such as … first step—and make that first step a small one. Talk with your doctor if you're worried about how exercise might affect your health. If you're already active, ask your doctor if …
Health topics
… can expect. If you have any questions or concerns, talk to your doctor. The more you know, the better prepared you'll … in the recent past may become mixed with memories from your distant past. You may remember events from years long … what happened even an hour earlier. Facing the end of your life may also cause you to confront your own spiritual …
Medical tests
… you produce over a 24-hour period. You start collecting your urine in the morning. When you first get up, empty your bladder, but don't save this urine. Write down the time that you urinated to mark the start of your 24-hour collection period. For the next 24 hours, …
Health topics
… To use the cap, apply spermicide to it and place it inside your vagina so that it covers the cervix. (The cervix is the … one time when the cap is in place, apply more spermicide to your vagina each time. After sex, you must leave it in your vagina for at least 6 hours. After it has been in your …
Health topics
… or alcohol. A lapse or relapse doesn't mean that you or your treatment has failed. It may mean that you just slipped … on. Try to find out why you relapsed. Then make changes in your life so that it won't happen again. You also may need … relapses, whether you have tried to quit substance use on your own or have had treatment. As time goes on, relapses …