6344 results found
Health topics
… cancer. What puts you at risk? Things that increase your risk for oral cancer include using tobacco and heavy … of oral cancer include sores or lumps on the lips or in your mouth. Talk with your doctor if you have any of these signs: A sore on your …
Medical tests
… Overview A dilated eye examination lets your eye doctor see the back of your eye ( retina ). It's usually done as part of a regular … for glaucoma. How is a dilated eye examination done? Tell your doctor if you or anyone in your family has glaucoma. …
Health topics
… work. Some other kinds of counselling may be helpful in your recovery from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) . … also have been through a trauma and who have PTSD. Sharing your story with others may help you feel more comfortable talking about your trauma. This can help you cope with your symptoms, …
Health topics
… his or her diabetes care. A diabetes care plan will help your child's teachers and other school staff know when and how to help manage your child's diabetes. For example, if your child needs to eat shortly after taking insulin or to …
Health topics
… called De Quervain's, is a problem that makes the bottom of your thumb and the side of your wrist hurt. When you have de Quervain's, the ropey fibre ( tendon ) that helps move your thumb away from your fingers becomes swollen. What …
Health topics
… page: Overview Overview As the rest of your body changes during pregnancy, your breasts change too. They are getting ready to make and supply milk for your baby. First-trimester changes In the first trimester …
Health topics
… during pregnancy. It gives the baby food and oxygen from your body. In a normal pregnancy, the placenta stays firmly … can be very harmful. In rare cases, it can be deadly. Your baby may be born too early ( premature ) or at a low … aren't sure what causes it, but some things can raise your risk. These are called risk factors. Common risk …
Health topics
… visit in the third trimester, you'll be weighed, and your blood pressure and urine will be checked. Your doctor or midwife will measure the size of your uterus (fundal height) and feel your belly. This is …
Medical tests
… (also called an echo) uses sound waves to make an image of your heart. A device called a transducer sends sound waves that echo off your heart and back to the transducer. These echoes are turned into moving pictures of your heart that can be seen on a video screen. In a …
Medical tests
… Overview A medicine blood level test measures how much of your medicine is in your blood. Your doctor checks it to make sure that you are taking a …