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Health topics
… confused. The symptoms of ADHD can also be confused with a learning disability . A psychologist can do some tests to see if your child is having trouble learning how to read, write, or do math problems. There is … we were happy to have an option that might make it easier for her to get along with her classmates. Parents of …
Health topics
Health topics
… body cannot get as much oxygen as it needs. So you need to breathe faster. This causes the headache and other symptoms … body cannot get as much oxygen as it needs. So you need to breathe faster. This causes the headache and other symptoms …
Health topics
… after you stop smoking before you will notice that you can breathe more easily when you walk, jog, swim, or ride a … after you stop smoking before you will notice that you can breathe more easily when you walk, jog, swim, or ride a …