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Health topics
… lungs. Pneumonia caused by pneumocystis can make it hard to breathe and to get enough oxygen into the blood. … lungs. Pneumonia caused by pneumocystis can make it hard to breathe and to get enough oxygen into the blood. …
Health topics
… bone isn't straight. A crooked septum can make it hard to breathe. It can also lead to snoring and sleep apnea . The … bone isn't straight. A crooked septum can make it hard to breathe. It can also lead to snoring and sleep apnea . The …
Health topics
… every sleep, whether it's naptime or nighttime. Babies can breathe well on their back, and will not choke on their … unsafe. Tight swaddling can make it hard for your baby to breathe, and can lead to pneumonia. Swaddling can also cause … between your body and the cushions, leaving them unable to breathe. Have a bassinet or crib ready, or ask someone else …