6279 results found
Health topics
… wound. Wash the wound under running tap water (the more the better) to remove all the dirt, debris, and bacteria from … If you have a water sprayer in your kitchen sink, try using the sprayer to wash the wound. This usually removes … you may need stitches. If stitches may be needed, avoid using antiseptic until after a doctor checks the wound. Most …
Medical tests
… Why It Is Done How To Prepare How It Is Done How It Feels Risks Results Test Overview … are the penis, scrotum, and testicles. Your doctor will feel the organs and check them for lumps, swelling, … and your penis, scrotum, and testicles. The doctor will feel the scrotum and both testicles to check their size, …
Health topics
… less effective ventricles result, especially during exercise, when the heart has less time to relax and fill. … less effective ventricles result, especially during exercise, when the heart has less time to relax and fill. …
Health topics
… artery disease , or heart disease. For most people, it feels like chest pain or pressure. Some people feel other symptoms. These include pain, pressure, or a strange feeling in the back, neck, jaw, or upper belly or in one or …
Health topics
… Disease and Sexual Problems Premature Ejaculation Sensual Exercises for Erection Problems Sexual Problems in Women …
Health topics
… can develop after a major loss. Anxiety is a general feeling of tenseness or uneasiness. You may feel generally … for your feelings often helps you figure out what is causing your anxiety. Take charge. Making plans to deal with … for your feelings often helps you figure out what is causing your anxiety. Take charge. Making plans to deal with …
Health topics
… how your labour goes, some methods may be safer and work better for you. Labour and Delivery … how your labour goes, some methods may be safer and work better for you. Labour and Delivery …
Health topics
… (cysts). Acne is very common among teens. It usually gets better after the teen years. Some women who never had acne … the skin's pores. This traps bacteria inside the pores, causing swelling, redness, and pus. For most people, acne … pores of the skin . This traps bacteria inside the pores causing swelling, redness, and pus. For most people, acne …
Health topics
… Often tilts the head to one side as though trying to see better. Often covers one eye or shuts one eye because he or … Often tilts the head to one side as though trying to see better. Often covers one eye or shuts one eye because he or …
Health topics
… in their chest. A "skipped beat." A "pounding sensation." A feeling that the heart is "jumping out of my chest." … causes your heart to beat too fast or too slow, you may feel light-headed or dizzy. Fainting (syncope). Syncope (say … sign that you have an arrhythmia. Shortness of breath. Feeling short of breath (dyspnea) often happens during …