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6279 results found
Health topics
… health practice that you would like to try or are already using. Your doctor can help you manage your health better if they know about all of your health practices. … health practice that you would like to try or are already using. Your doctor can help you manage your health better if …
HealthLinkBC files
… dose strengthens or boosts the immune system to give better protection against these diseases. If your child had … vaccines: What is in the vaccines and why (#50d) A better immunization experience for your child (#50e) Grade 6 …
Health topics
… incorporate into communications with your partner. Specific exercises and techniques to enrich your sexual experience. … incorporate into communications with your partner. Specific exercises and techniques to enrich your sexual experience. …
Health topics
… (which is what you are most likely to observe) is causing you trouble, consider seeking treatment, reducing … or at least developing new ways of coping with stress. Exercise is an excellent way for your body to process … (which is what you are most likely to observe) is causing you trouble, consider seeking treatment, reducing …
Health topics
… and social development at this age. Adolescents start to feel the urge to be more independent from their families. … strong, same-sex friendships. They may have such strong feelings that they may wonder about their sexual orientation … may have periods of being sullen and aloof. Parents may feel hurt by this behaviour, but it's normal for this age …
Health topics
… this tissue is removed, air may move through your throat better when you breathe. This surgery may be used to improve … this tissue is removed, air may move through your throat better when you breathe. This surgery may be used to improve …
Healthy eating
… already active, check with your doctor before starting any exercise plan. As you become active, gradually increase the … motivated to improve your health, change can sometimes feel overwhelming. To get started, make SMART goals. SMART …
Health topics
… You may also have other tests to find out what's causing the fluid buildup. How is pleural effusion treated? A … lab to look for the cause of the buildup. If you don't get better, a tube (catheter) may be placed in the chest to … You may also have other tests to find out what's causing the fluid buildup. How is pleural effusion treated? A …
Health topics
… stand and sit, although it hurt," she says. "It felt a lot better to lie on the floor. But I still could do things with … stand and sit, although it hurt," she says. "It felt a lot better to lie on the floor. But I still could do things with …
Health topics
… A safety plan is a set of steps you can take when you feel suicidal. It includes your warning signs, coping … how well you think they'll work. What might keep you from using them? What might make you more likely to use them? … how well you think they'll work. What might keep you from using them? What might make you more likely to use them? …