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… of hepatitis C virus (HCV)? Most people who have HCV feel well, will have no symptoms and may not know they have … a chronic (lifelong) infection. People with chronic HCV may feel tired or have a low mood or stomach pain. They may pass … Clean and disinfect areas that could have blood on them using a fresh solution of household bleach. Make a bleach …
Health topics
… may be sleepy, confused, or dazed. The person may also feel tired, weak, or moody and may have a headache and … may be sleepy, confused, or dazed. The person may also feel tired, weak, or moody and may have a headache and …
Health topics
… exists somewhere else in the body other than where you feel the pain. Causes of referred shoulder pain may include: … exists somewhere else in the body other than where you feel the pain. Causes of referred shoulder pain may include: …
Health topics
… understand you or doesn't believe you. The person needs to feel that it's okay to talk to you about his or her … understand you or doesn't believe you. The person needs to feel that it's okay to talk to you about his or her …
Health topics
… of your eyes or skin ( jaundice ), dark yellow urine, and feeling very tired. This blood test also may be done if you … of your eyes or skin ( jaundice ), dark yellow urine, and feeling very tired. This blood test also may be done if you …
Health topics
… only symptom of a coral snake bite. Within 90 minutes, a feeling of weakness or numbness may occur in the bitten … only symptom of a coral snake bite. Within 90 minutes, a feeling of weakness or numbness may occur in the bitten …
Health topics
… is likely to continue and will usually get worse. You may feel uneasy if your doctor brings up the issue of abuse. … is likely to continue and will usually get worse. You may feel uneasy if your doctor brings up the issue of abuse. …
Health topics
… isn't a dangerous condition. But it can be painful. You can feel the pubic symphysis by pressing on your lower front … isn't a dangerous condition. But it can be painful. You can feel the pubic symphysis by pressing on your lower front …
Health topics
… than 24 hours. Pain during sexual intercourse. Pain or a feeling of heaviness in the pelvic or lower abdominal area. … than 24 hours. Pain during sexual intercourse. Pain or a feeling of heaviness in the pelvic or lower abdominal area. …
Health topics
… to the ultraviolet light. Symptoms include: Eye pain. A feeling that something is in the eyes (foreign body … to the ultraviolet light. Symptoms include: Eye pain. A feeling that something is in the eyes (foreign body …