6274 results found
Health topics
… kinds of bacteria and viruses may also play a role in causing the disease. Crohn's disease may run in families. … diarrhea gets worse. You are losing weight. You do not get better as expected. Examinations and Tests Your doctor will … kinds of bacteria and viruses may also play a role in causing the disease. Crohn's disease may run in families. …
Health topics
… time breastfeeding, it may take some practice before you feel confident. Here are some tips to get you off to a good …
Health topics
… Use the inhaler when you crave a cigarette. When you feel the urge to smoke, hold the inhaler between your … to not smoking, your doctor will tell you either to stop using the inhaler or to slowly reduce the dose. Inhalers are … inhaler, but this is rare. There are side effects from using the nicotine inhaler. Read the package insert before …
Health topics
… You chew nicotine gum as a way to help yourself quit using tobacco. The gum has nicotine and feels and looks like chewing gum. When you chew the gum, the … Read the materials that come with the product. Consider using the other materials provided with the nicotine gum. …
Health topics
… applies slow strokes (with the fingers, thumbs, and elbows) using intense pressure to reach deeper layers of the muscles … the muscles relax. Let your massage therapist know if you feel any discomfort during the massage. Self-massage. You … applies slow strokes (with the fingers, thumbs, and elbows) using intense pressure to reach deeper layers of the muscles …
HealthLinkBC files
… below to support you when your baby's crying causes feelings of frustration or overwhelm you. What is shaken … to calm yourself before you try to calm your baby. If you feel unable to cope, call someone for help once you have put …
Medical tests
… Why It Is Done How To Prepare How It Is Done How It Feels Risks Results Test … the test takes The tests usually take about 1 hour. How It Feels This test usually doesn't cause any pain or … the test takes The tests usually take about 1 hour. How It Feels This test usually doesn't cause any pain or …
Health topics
… Slowly insert the catheter into the urinary opening. If you feel resistance, pause for a few minutes and then gently … Slowly insert the catheter into the urinary opening. If you feel resistance, pause for a few minutes and then gently …
Health topics
… immediately, such as reductions in blood pressure and feelings of anxiety. Other benefits can be achieved by being …
Health topics
… Surgery Overview Percutaneous means "through the skin" or using a very small cut. Discectomy is surgery to remove … disc . Most of the time they are done in a surgery centre using local or general anesthesia . X-rays help guide the … include severe weakness, loss of coordination, or loss of feeling. Lumbar Herniated Disc: Should I Have Surgery? It …