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Health topics
… PTS is also called postphlebitic syndrome. What are the symptoms? Symptoms of post-thrombotic syndrome include: Pain, … You might try an exercise program to help relieve PTS symptoms. Talk with your doctor before starting a new …
Health topics
… strain, or pressure on your bladder. It can happen when you cough, laugh, strain, lift something, or change position. … of holding urine in. The extra pressure when you sneeze, cough, or strain forces urine past the sphincter. How is it … This makes you less likely to leak urine when you sneeze, cough, or laugh. Urinary Incontinence in …
Health topics
… the area needs to be cleaned every day. Infants and young children A baby's foreskin does not pull back easily for … the area needs to be cleaned every day. Infants and young children A baby's foreskin does not pull back easily for …
Health topics
… tract. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). What are the symptoms? Symptoms of malabsorption syndrome may include: Gas, … Weakness. Weight loss. Your doctor can evaluate your symptoms to determine the cause and recommend treatment. How …
Health topics
… syndrome from holding on to the handlebars. What are the symptoms? Symptoms of ulnar tunnel syndrome include weakness, numbness … syndrome includes: Avoiding activities that cause the symptoms. Applying ice. Wearing a splint at night. Taking …
Health topics
… of the bladder. But the cause isn't clear. What are the symptoms? The pain from BPS can be mild to severe but almost always goes away right after you urinate. Other symptoms of BPS include: Urinating often during the day and … or pelvis. People with BPS may go days or weeks with no symptoms. How is it diagnosed? To diagnose bladder pain …
Health topics
… weight loss, fever, night sweats, diarrhea, and other symptoms. Mycoplasma , which can cause pneumonia. … fever, rash, painful joints, and red eyes. What are the symptoms? Symptoms include: Numbness or tingling in your hands and …
Health topics
… see your doctor will vary depending on the severity of your symptoms at any given time. It is possible that you will be … These medicines can initially make heart failure symptoms worse and can cause low blood pressure and a slow … smoothly. Keeping track of your exercise tolerance and your symptoms. This is an important way for you and your doctor …
Health topics
… defects. You are pregnant with twins or more. What are the symptoms? You may not have any symptoms of too much amniotic fluid. Often it's found during a routine ultrasound. But some people do have symptoms, which may include: A uterus that is larger than …
Health topics
… weakened tissues of the cervix, for example. What are the symptoms? With cervical insufficiency, the cervix usually opens without pain. But some people do have mild symptoms. If you have this condition, you may have: No pain … You could have light spotting. If you have any of these symptoms, call your doctor or midwife right away. Symptoms