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4419 results found
Health topics
… after age 65. Early prostate cancer usually doesn't cause symptoms. When prostate cancer is found before it has spread … or radiation. If a prostate cancer grows or spreads, symptoms may develop, including urinary problems (such as … helpful as you make important health decisions. I have two children who are in high school right now, and both plan to …
Medical tests
… who have low or high levels of calcium do not have any symptoms. Calcium levels need to be very high or low to cause symptoms. Why It Is Done A blood calcium test may be done: … (EKG) test. After a kidney transplant . To see if your symptoms may be caused by a very low calcium level in the …
Medical tests
… of ticks. Lyme disease can be hard to diagnose because its symptoms are similar to those of many other illnesses. If … used to identify a current (active) infection if you have symptoms of Lyme disease that have not gotten better with … test is done to diagnose Lyme disease in people who have symptoms of Lyme disease. Symptoms may include: An expanding …
Health topics
… people (especially during sleep). It usually does not cause symptoms. Mobitz type II block usually occurs below the AV … and what is causing it. Treatment can also depend on your symptoms. If heart block doesn't cause symptoms, it may not be treated. Treatment may be a …
Health topics
… . It is done to restore a normal heart rhythm and relieve symptoms. Ablation can relieve symptoms and improve the quality of life in people with … you have ( paroxysmal or persistent ). How bad your symptoms are. If you have heart failure or a problem with …
Health topics
… people with varicose veins . Home treatment can relieve symptoms and slow down the progress of varicose veins. For … treatment they need. Exercise Exercise can help relieve symptoms and slow the progression of varicose veins by … weight, and losing weight if you need to, may help relieve symptoms caused by your varicose veins. Being overweight can …
Health topics
… other non-drug approaches have failed to improve a person's symptoms. Medicine may be needed when the person is in … may make the person more comfortable by reducing certain symptoms, such as delusions, suspicion of others (paranoia), … also may improve sleep. The side effects may make some symptoms of Alzheimer's disease worse, such as apathy, …
Health topics
… of pelvic organ prolapse. Pessaries are also used when symptoms of pelvic organ prolapse are mild or when … of surgery for pelvic organ prolapse will be on urinary symptoms. This is called a "pessary test." If you have a … Pessaries do not cure pelvic organ prolapse but help with symptoms and slow the progression of prolapse. They add …
Health topics
… may test negative when they actually have been infected. Symptoms of Lyme disease sometimes closely resemble those of other illnesses. Chronic Lyme disease, for instance, has symptoms very similar to those of several other chronic … syndrome . Multiple sclerosis and arthritis also have symptoms similar to Lyme disease. Lyme …
HealthLinkBC files
… repeats sounds, or babbles Mimics simple actions of other children or people Shows strong feelings and emotions about … person, thing, or sound Enjoys playing alone and near other children By 36 months, enjoys pretend play with others May …