4419 results found
HealthLinkBC files
… is designed to protect pregnant women, infants and children as they are the most vulnerable. It is based on … size and hearing of developing fetuses, infants and young children. The health impact depends on many factors …
Health topics
… across the lower back and buttocks. They tend to occur in children of Asian, Southern European, Hispanic, Pacific … months. Most hemangiomas disappear or fade by age 9. Most children who have hemangiomas have only one. Few hemangiomas … across the lower back and buttocks. They tend to occur in children of Asian, Southern European, Hispanic, Pacific …
Health topics
… by problems with seeing, hearing, or moving. But many children with learning disabilities have other conditions … Medicines and counselling usually aren't used. For most children, a learning plan, such as an Individualized … by problems with seeing, hearing, or moving. But many children with learning disabilities have other conditions …
Health topics
… large as a golf ball. Most people with gallstones have no symptoms and don't need treatment. Those who do have symptoms often have surgery to remove the gallbladder. In people who do have symptoms, the most common one is pain in the upper right …
Health topics
… reduce leg pain. This decision aid is for people who have symptoms from peripheral arterial disease, such as leg pain … results. Angioplasty or bypass may help with more severe symptoms. You may want to have one of these procedures if pain or other symptoms keep you from doing your daily activities. FAQs …
Health topics
… that can speed up the compensation process and end the symptoms of vertigo. It often is prescribed for people who … won't cure these conditions. But over time they can reduce symptoms of vertigo. People who use this exercise usually … Repeat steps 2 and 3 on the other side. What To Expect Symptoms sometimes suddenly go away during an exercise …
Health topics
… Overview Overview Sometimes symptoms of Crohn's disease can develop outside the digestive tract in other parts of the body (systemic symptoms), including the eyes, liver, blood, and bones. These systemic symptoms suggest that the immune system is involved in …
Health topics
… if you have agoraphobia . They can be taken as needed. Symptoms often come back when you stop taking them. What can … get better after a few weeks. Benzodiazepines help relieve symptoms right away. You may have to try more than one … take medicines if: You have not been able to control your symptoms with other treatment, such as counselling with …
Health topics
… is a good idea, particularly for households with infants, children or pregnant people. If you are uncertain about …
Health topics
… ability to be truly connected to another person. Adults and children grieve in different ways. When grieving the loss of … ability to be truly connected to another person. Adults and children grieve in different ways. When grieving the loss of …