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4421 results found
Health topics
… Done Surgery for spinal stenosis is considered when: Severe symptoms restrict normal daily activities and become more … does not relieve pain, and severe nerve compression symptoms of spinal stenosis (such as numbness or weakness) … decision to have surgery also depends on how severe your symptoms are and whether you're able to do normal daily …
Health topics
… stockings can improve blood flow and help relieve the symptoms of varicose veins . Specially fitted, or graduated, … stockings, wear them during the day to help relieve symptoms. For very mild symptoms, you may want to start out using over-the-counter …
Health topics
… include imaging tests, such as a CT scan. Be told which symptoms to report to your doctor immediately. Why It Is … You are living comfortably and do not have significant symptoms from your lymphoma. How Well It Works Watchful … people with slow-growing NHL may live a long time without symptoms. Risks There do not seem to be any risks involved …
Health topics
… disease and stable angina. This means that your angina symptoms, such as chest pain or pressure, happen at times … your heart is working hard, such as during exercise. Your symptoms go away when you rest or after you take … cause a heart attack. Narrowing of the arteries can lead to symptoms of angina , such as chest pain or pressure and …
Health topics
… This releases pressure on the median nerve and relieves the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. An incision is made at … carpal tunnel surgery is considered when: You still have symptoms after a long period of non-surgical treatment. In … treatment. But this assumes that you still have symptoms but there's no sign of nerve damage. Nerve damage …
Health topics
… if you believe you've been exposed to an STI or you have symptoms of an STI. You need to have a test as soon as … they have a high risk for infection. Some STIs don't cause symptoms, or they can cause symptoms that go away. So unless you have a test, you may …
Health topics
… when you have them. Key points to remember If your migraine symptoms are mild to moderate, doctors recommend that you … migraines you get, reduce how long they last, and make your symptoms less severe. Medicines that prevent migraines may … and stress. How are migraines treated? If your migraine symptoms are mild to moderate, doctors recommend that you …
Health topics
… are selective serotonin/norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors. Symptoms of serotonin syndrome may include: Restless … (or two antidepressants) and you notice any of these symptoms, call your doctor right away. Without treatment, … can be deadly. But treatment usually can get rid of the symptoms in less than 24 hours. Chronic …
Health topics
… Your options Use home treatments to control hemorrhoid symptoms. Have a non-surgical procedure that cuts off the … use a stool softener, and use ointments to help your symptoms. When home treatments don't work on internal … from the anus or external hemorrhoids that are causing symptoms and have not improved with home treatment. FAQs …
Health topics
… include walking your dog, doing housework, and playing with children. Finding the right activity Experts say to do … Fishing and hunting Tossing and catching a plastic disc Children's games, like hopscotch, 4-square, and dodge ball … leader. If you cycle, offer to lead a group of schoolchildren on a bike ride to teach bicycle safety. Offer to …