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… of bacteria. This medication is not recommended for use in children younger than 12 months due to possible risk of … until the full prescribed amount is finished, even if symptoms disappear after a few days. Stopping the medication … in the amount of urine) signs of a lung infection (such as cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, new/unexplained …
… However, get medical help right away if you notice any symptoms of a serious allergic reaction, including: rash … other products that cause drowsiness such as opioid pain or cough relievers (such as codeine, hydrocodone), alcohol, … not store in the bathroom. Keep all medications away from children and pets. Do not flush medications down the toilet …
Health topics
… problems with movement, learning, or speaking. What are the symptoms? Symptoms of a traumatic brain injury range from mild to … contact Veterans Affairs Canada. Developmental problems. In children, a brain injury, even a mild one, can interrupt the …
… prescribed by your doctor. Talk with your doctor about your symptoms and the best dose schedule for you. Do not take … other products that cause drowsiness such as opioid pain or cough relievers (such as codeine, hydrocodone), alcohol, … not store in the bathroom. Keep all medications away from children and pets. Do not flush medications down the toilet …
… a long time may develop severe (possibly fatal) withdrawal symptoms. Tell the doctor right away if you notice any … diarrhea, poor feeding, or difficulty gaining weight. Children younger than 12 years should not use products that … you are taking other products such as other opioid pain or cough relievers (such as codeine, hydrocodone), alcohol, …
HealthLinkBC files
… well as avoid sharing their clothes or towels. What are the symptoms? Itching is the most common symptom of pubic lice. … an infection. Some people can have an STI and not have any symptoms. Finding and treating an STI reduces the chances of …
HealthLinkBC files
… of people report being ill with hantavirus. What are the symptoms? HPS begins as a “flu-like” illness. In the early stage of the disease, you may have the following symptoms: fever sore muscles headaches nausea vomiting … specific treatment, medication or cure however, many of the symptoms and complications of HPS can be treated. Most …
Health topics
… this page: Health Tools Lowering Your Risk Symptoms What Happens When to Call a Doctor Treatment … and treated early, it is almost always cured. What are the symptoms? Skin cancer usually appears as a growth that … Tanning: Is It Safe? Skin Cancer: Protecting Your Skin Symptoms Basal cell skin cancer usually affects the face, …
Health topics
… this page: Health Tools Lowering Your Risk Symptoms What Happens When to Call a Doctor Treatment … skin cancer may grow and spread (metastasize). What are the symptoms? Skin cancer usually appears as a growth that … It Safe? Quitting Smoking Skin Cancer: Protecting Your Skin Symptoms Squamous cell skin cancer often affects the head, …
… pneumonia (PCP). This medication helps to stop infection symptoms such as fever, cough, tiredness, and shortness of breath. How To Use Shake … much of the medication as possible so it can work well. For children, the dosage is also based on age and weight. This …