2387 results found
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… doesn't always work to resuscitate people, or "bring them back." And the older and sicker you are, the less likely it … doesn't always work to resuscitate people, or "bring them back." And the older and sicker you are, the less likely it … doesn't always work to resuscitate people, or "bring them back." If CPR does work, you may have brain damage that …
Health topics
… About Sex Spinal Cord Injury: Your Rehabilitation Team Back problems and injuries Back Problems and Injuries Back Problems: Proper Lifting Severity of Back Injuries …
Health topics
… Any tissue that bulges into the hernia sac is pushed back inside the belly. The muscles and tissues around the … symptoms don't bother you much. The hernia can be pushed back into the belly or it goes away when you lie down. (If it cannot be pushed back, surgery must be done sooner.) It may also be a good …
HealthLinkBC files
… of the spinal cord that causes weakness of the legs, backache, loss of bladder control or constipation. To … Breastfeeding or chestfeeding . How can I protect myself against infection from HTLV-1? You can protect yourself from …
Health topics
… for everyone. If it helps, move the front seat forward or backward. You can do this before or after you sit down, … find that this makes it easier to get in and out of a car. Back up to the door frame. slide 1 of 5 < Prev Next > slide 1 of 5, Back up to the door frame., When you get to the open car …
Health topics
… in the nose. The nasal tissue can be damaged from pressure against the object. This is called pressure necrosis. Older … round objects because you could push the object farther back into the nostril. (Be careful not to hurt the inside of … Use a saline nasal spray to help loosen mucus. Check the back of your throat for post-nasal drip . If streaks of …
… (TB), except if you are using this medication to treat COVID-19. Your doctor should monitor you for symptoms of TB … (such as dexamethasone) to treat coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in hospitalized patients who need supplemental … is usually given every 2 weeks. For the treatment of CRS or COVID-19, this medication is given once and then as directed …
Health topics
… Overview It's a sad fact: You have back pain, and you also have housework to do, children to … doing housework Household chore Tips Vacuuming Instead of pushing and pulling the vacuum back and forth, walk it all … doing housework Household chore Tips Vacuuming Instead of pushing and pulling the vacuum back and forth, walk it all …
Health topics
… of pregnancy, mothers do give their babies some protection against disease. But it is only for diseases that the mother … person. They may help stop preventable diseases from coming back. If a disease occurs in a community, there is little or … person. They may help stop preventable diseases from coming back. If a disease occurs in a community, there is little or …
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