2387 results found
… you already had, possibly causing disease symptoms to come back. You could also have symptoms if your immune system … taking this medication (such as increased fat in the upper back and stomach areas, decreased fat in the arms and legs). … you already had, possibly causing disease symptoms to come back. You could also have symptoms if your immune system …
Health topics
… daily activities Has your headache lasted or kept coming back for more than 2 weeks, despite home treatment? Yes … to burn yourself. Ice, such as an ice pack applied to the back of the neck or the temples. Massage therapy, biofeedback, and other complementary medicine treatments. They can …
Health topics
… events (sickle cell crises) in the hands or feet, belly, back, or chest are the most common symptom of sickle cell … events ( sickle cell crises ) in the hands or feet, belly, back, or chest are the most common symptom of sickle cell … events (sickle cell crises) in the hands or feet, belly, back, or chest are the most common symptom of sickle cell …
Health topics
… testicular cancer may include: Dull pain in the lower back and belly. Lack of energy, sweating for no clear … Surgery to remove lymph nodes in the pelvis and lower back (retroperitoneal lymph node dissection, or RPLND). This … Meditation or yoga to relieve stress. Massage and biofeedback to reduce pain and tension. Breathing exercises to help …
Health topics
… it is to pass on its own. I'm not sure It may help to go back and read "Get the Facts." The smaller a stone is, the … some other kidney problems. I'm not sure It may help to go back and read "Get the Facts." Lithotripsy isn't the best … easily than one large stone. I'm not sure It may help to go back and read "Get the Facts." You'll likely have less pain, …
Health topics
… lumpectomy. This helps reduce the risk of the cancer coming back (recurrence) while leaving as much of the breast tissue … surgery to help reduce the chance that the cancer will come back. Radiation therapy can be given in different ways. It's … may be given after surgery to help keep cancer from coming back. Endocrine therapy. These medicines block the natural …
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… of 100 people who take it. I'm not sure It may help to go back and read "Compare Your Options." Most people will be … only mild hyperthyroidism. I'm not sure It may help to go back and read "Get the Facts" under "Key points to … thyroid hormone medicine. I'm not sure It may help to go back and read "Get the Facts" under "Key points to …
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… infant dying or being ill. I'm not sure It might help to go back and read "What are the benefits of a multifetal … having a fetal reduction. I'm not sure It may help to go back and read "What are the risks of multifetal pregnancy … hard time raising multiples. I'm not sure It may help to go back and read "Compare your options." You may feel guilty if …
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… Unfortunately, this remission was only brief, and I am back on chemotherapy and radiation therapy. I have small … and your quality of life. I'm not sure It may help to go back and read "Get the Facts." If you stop treatment, you … health starts to improve. I'm not sure It may help to go back and read "Get the Facts." A decision to stop treatment …
Health topics
… and get enough sleep. You may try acupuncture or biofeedback. FAQs What are migraines? Migraines are painful, … into the skin at certain points on the body. Try biofeedback . This is a way to control a body function—such as … hard time remembering to take medicine to prevent migraines back then, so I quit taking it. I still get migraines at …