2387 results found
Health topics
… Keeping up with vaccinations like pneumonia, pertussis, COVID-19, and the influenza vaccine can also help prevent … Keeping up with vaccinations like pneumonia, pertussis, COVID-19, and the influenza vaccine can also help prevent …
Health topics
… and adults. If your symptoms are severe or they come back, you may need treatment for months to years, or even … with or without a prescription. Stay up to date on your COVID-19 vaccines. Get an influenza (flu) vaccine each year. … with or without a prescription. Stay up to date on your COVID-19 vaccines. Get an influenza (flu) vaccine each year. …
Medical tests
… a transducer sends sound waves that echo off your heart and back to the transducer. These echoes are turned into moving … paper covering to use during the test. You will lie on your back or on your left side on a bed or table. You may receive … up the sound waves. The transducer will be pressed firmly against your chest and moved slowly back and forth. It is …
Health topics
Health topics
… the retina, a thin membrane of nerve tissue that lines the back of the eye , comes off (detaches). The nerve cells in … gel and the retina, it can pull the retina away from the back of the eye. The pulling is called traction. Fluid … This fluid buildup can cause the retina to come off the back of the eye. Fluid buildup may be caused by inflammation …
Health topics
… regular use, especially when your muscles have to work against something. Strengthening your core. This helps build the muscles around your belly and back ( trunk ). This is called core stability . It can help … week . Be sure to work the major muscle groups: legs, hips, back, abdomen, chest, shoulders, and arms. Examples of …
Health topics
… exercise, you need to: Rest the joint until your pain gets back to the level that is normal for you. Exercise for less … exercise, you need to: Rest the joint until your pain gets back to the level that is normal for you. Exercise for less …
Health topics
… each bowel movement. Gently wipe from the front to the back. Baby wipes or hemorrhoid pads are usually more gentle … each bowel movement. Gently wipe from the front to the back. Baby wipes or hemorrhoid pads are usually more gentle …
Health topics
… up off your seat and lower yourself down slowly) Take books back to the library Go pick up notices at the office Squeeze …
Health topics
… keratin. Skin cysts most often appear on the face, ears, back, or chest. But they can appear on almost any part of … keratin. Skin cysts most often appear on the face, ears, back, or chest. But they can appear on almost any part of …